Hello All,
Im currently a 26yr old fairly athletic slight build male, who plays off 10. I have been playing for the last 3 years coming down from 25. In past season i have moved from 12 to 9.5 making steady progress.
I currently play with Ping G25 CFS reg shaft yellow dot. I have found these a pleasure to play, however i feel i want better dispersion, which i get with my ping gorge wedges 50, 56, 60 stiff shafts.
Driver/ 3 wood wise i use G30 tour reg shafts.
I tend to swing within myself speed wise (i dont try hammar the shit out of it) However my coach always like to pick me up on my over swing, which looks something like john daly, ha.
So while the rain was setting this afternoon i thought id head up to the proshop and try couple out;
Ping i-series Stiff- Best dispersion lost a little distance - felt solid
Callaway Apex Stiff- medium dispersion medium distance- felt solid
Callawat Steelhead XR stiff- couldt get on at all with these - ew
Ping G25 reg- good distance weak dispersion.- feld solid
What im wanting to know, will shaft make a difference on dispersion?
Should i try any others? , is dispersion king over distance?
Will "player" irons be beneficial for me in long run since my handicap is coming down?
Should is stick with the G25s?
Should i be bothered about losing distance?
Sorry if this post makes no sense, hope you can fathom what im trying to achieve here.