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  1. Hello All, Im currently a 26yr old fairly athletic slight build male, who plays off 10. I have been playing for the last 3 years coming down from 25. In past season i have moved from 12 to 9.5 making steady progress. I currently play with Ping G25 CFS reg shaft yellow dot. I have found these a pleasure to play, however i feel i want better dispersion, which i get with my ping gorge wedges 50, 56, 60 stiff shafts. Driver/ 3 wood wise i use G30 tour reg shafts. I tend to swing within myself speed wise (i dont try hammar the shit out of it) However my coach always like to pick me up on my over swing, which looks something like john daly, ha. So while the rain was setting this afternoon i thought id head up to the proshop and try couple out; Ping i-series Stiff- Best dispersion lost a little distance - felt solid Callaway Apex Stiff- medium dispersion medium distance- felt solid Callawat Steelhead XR stiff- couldt get on at all with these - ew Ping G25 reg- good distance weak dispersion.- feld solid What im wanting to know, will shaft make a difference on dispersion? Should i try any others? , is dispersion king over distance? Will "player" irons be beneficial for me in long run since my handicap is coming down? Should is stick with the G25s? Should i be bothered about losing distance? Sorry if this post makes no sense, hope you can fathom what im trying to achieve here. Thanks George
  2. Think I'll go tour reg like the shinny ness to ha
  3. The reason ive asked in there non one around me I live in rural England were taking an hours drive to a shit store that still probs won't have a tour reg for 3 wood unless I order, I lovw itin driver will my swing speed be right do u thinks its tour 65 reg if that helps. I'm not bothers about make I'm happy with ping stocks
  4. Hello all, Backstory Recently upgraded from g25 driver an 3 wood both in stock reg to g30 driver tour reg shaft. I swing driver approx 100mph, I'm loving this new tour reg shaft getting much better ball flight an dispersion. My question is do I go for the same shaft tour reg in the g30 3 wood? Or do I go stiff. The reasom for the upgrade was my ball flight on the 3 wood was ridiculously high. I ask this cause I know my pro shop won't have one In to try out. What do you chaps think? Thanks gtah
  5. Helllo all, Shot an 80 last weekend, very happy going into winter. Been working on all these points mvmac much appreciated. Defiantly feeling like im getting some where slowly. Im feeling posture is the key more and more, because when you slouch more the shoulders will turn easier letting me not get so inside and cause me stay on balance by not trying to swing out so much. If that makes sense. Heres a vid from tonight with a 20 hybrid. Trying to keep the palm down.
  6. UK Sellers??
  7. The feeling i get with this take away is that it pull all my weight forward onto my right toes and i lose my balance more. How can i improve my balance and weight shift, i suppose the squish it drill, i will butcher a tennis ball. Thanks.
  8. Hello, Just got back from the range with burton9190 whos swing is also on this forum, been working on the takeaway a lot, getting there i think see sme vids below. Need to focus on posture also its been 2nd in the mind need to step it up, ive always thought my posture was quite alright. Thanks for the comments!
  9. Nowww then, Just got back from the range, defiantly hitting a few more draws trying this, manged to get a few videos forgive the quality and angles, i hope you can get something out of them. Need to give dad a few lessons in filming. Also I've recently upgrade to G25 blackdot from G5 yellow dot. I have been fitted twice first time g5s yelllow which got me down the 12.2, then recently after getting the g25s which was white dot weid. Do think this could be having an effect also? Im happy with the 25s but want to get it all a set color. 6 Iron Thanks
  10. Brilliant thanks will defo try them movements!
  11. Hello mvmac, Thanks for your input, the takeaway is something i have always struggled to get the feel of, but i will hopefully get it nailed next week and post some progress videos for you all. All criticism welcome!
  12. I've been Playing Golf for: 2 Years My current handicap index or average score is: 12.5 My typical ball flight is: Average The shot I hate or the "miss" I'm trying to reduce/eliminate is: Slice or Pull Hook. I'm really just looking to hit straight shots consistently. I started this season on 19 hdcp and got down to 12.2 in about June time and since then I've worked my way back up to 12.5 Things I have been working on with my pro over the past season are; Left hand thumb position further up the club, relaxing my wrists at the top of my back swing to get to parallel. Keeping my legs planted like i'm holding a beach ball between my knees, with weight on the inside. Videos: Thanks! GTAH
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