My First Post, Ahh!! Hi there all, I have been lurking on the board since I started playing this past July and I have really gotten hooked on the game. I am at a crossroad right now. My brother in law fixed me up with the best set of golf clubs a beginner could want. He gave me a 3-PW set of Tommy Armour 845's along with the Tommy Armour Black Leather Tour Bag to match. Oh!! did I mention that they were FREE!! Like I said, best beginner set you could ask for. I searched high and low for a putter and tried probably a hundred of them at Golfsmith. I ended up with an Odyssey SRT-2 2-ball putter. I am still using two borrowed hybrids one 19* and one 22*. Oh my irons also came with a fairly used Vokey 56* Wedge. I dont currently own a driver. I took one lesson with a pro after reading a bunch of articles and I have only played 5 rounds of 18 holes where I kept score on my own, the other times have been scrambles and 9 hole rounds. But I listed all of my scores on Golflink and it rated my handicap to be a 34. I was glad that it wasn't maxed out at the 36. So my dilema is this. I have realized how important the short game is and I was wanting a decent set of wedges GW SW and LW. I had my eye on the Adams Tom Watson 3 pack of wedges , but then I saw some other ones by Maltby , and some others by Hireko Golf. I tried to post links to each, but since its my first post. The Maltby's come in a pak and you have to build them, but the price looks good. I am trying to stay under 100 bucks for the three wedges, if you had to buy three wedges, which one would you recommend and why? Thanking you in advance for any input.......