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About mattymz1

  • Birthday 11/30/1990

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  • Index: 3.7
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. Yea, I really like the 905, but you can't go wrong with a Taylormade driver either. I think the 905R is one of the better drivers titleist has ever made. A lot of tour pros still play it even thogh titleist has come out with two new models since.
  2. I've hit the 62s and they aren't very forgiving. If you are a 10 handicap I'd go with the mp-57s or the mp-52s.
  3. Anyone know how to remove the paint fill from irons and wedges? I am thinking about doing this over the winter.
  4. I like the YS-6 and the V2. Neither will break the bank, but my dad has the vs proto on his D2 and that is also a good shaft (much better than the NV), but it is a bit expensive. Look on ebay for pullouts if you want an high end shaft at a cheaper price.
  5. Yea I've been eyeing the 660s, which are very similar. I agree with you though, forged irons all feel good if you hit the sweet spot, no matter how much you payed for them.
  6. Yea this new wedge they came out with has a similar face to a vokey spin milled, with the small circular millings throughout the face, so it probably produces more spin than the old model. I wish I could demo one somewhere.
  7. I hear they have a dull feel. You don't see to many people that own them either (at least i haven't). You don't see many people with the "better player" cleveland irons in general. I think your money is better spent on mizuno or taylormade, maybe titleist.
  8. Yea I hear the new srixon hybris are solid as well. I didn't like thier irons as much as mizunos, but they were ok when I hit a few. I never see anyone with thier drivers though. The only issue is that it is hard to find the srixon wedges other than getting one on ebay. My pro shop, dicks, and TGW don't carry them.
  9. Golf pride tour velvet is the way to go. They feel more consistent than the new decade, are still very grippy, but are more comfortable than cord.
  10. Pings major market is irons for the average player just like titleist is targeted towards low handicappers. They probably will never make a true muscleback.
  11. I might be buying a new sand wedge next year. I like my titleist vokey, but it is getting worn. Wondering if I should upgrade to spin milled vokey or go with the new srixon wedges. The both have the mill grooved face and nickel finish, and i've heard a lot of good things about the srixons from people I know that have them so I can't decide. Any opinions?
  12. Mizuno mp-30 or mp-60 have the best feel, but not the graetest forgiveness.
  13. Haha premonitions about putters, pretty silly. I doubt God bothers with sending supernatural messages about a flatsticks. Whatever works i guess...
  14. I hit the demo set that my club had and they are very nice, but didn't feel that much different from the mizunos I have or my dads mp-60s (both of which are also very nice). Nice bag by the way, thats like all brand new stuff.
  15. Titleist vokeys are a bit more expensive, but well worth it I think. Great for many types of shots. Can't go wrong with clevelands either. Also, the new Srixon wedges that have the faces that look like the vokey spin milled are also really nice. Wedges all look pretty similar so find a finish that appeals to your eye on a wedge that has a good feel and you will be on your way.
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