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Everything posted by CJL

  1. CJL


  2. That's what I figured...I just wanted to double check with others who may have more experience. As far as getting new weights is concerned, that would be an easy fix...if I could get the stripped one out. I suppose I could attempt to drill it out but that may cause damage to the head. I guess my only other option is to use one of those tools/special dill bits that grabs stripped screws and gets them to come out. Any other suggestions?
  3. So I've had the R7 Superquad since about six months after it came out. I love the driver but recently ran into a problem with it. I was adjusting the weights and the last one I screwed in stripped before I was able to lock it into place. Now, I can lock it in and I can't get it out. I called TM and the rep said there was nothing they could do for me. Am I just up the creek here or should I expect more from the company? I've always heard they are fantastic when it comes to customer service.
  4. Not sure if you have any interest, but I have a set (3-PW) of Tour Edge Exotics CNC Forged Blades that I would consider trading. They have KBS stiff shafts in them but I thought I'd throw it out there for your consideration. Feel free to email or simply reply with any questions.
  5. Thanks for the help. I think that is definitely enough to get me started...I just hope I don't make a mess out of my R7
  6. So, I'm thinking of painting my R7 Superquad white like the R11. Can anyone recommend paints and a process of how to do this so the result will look somewhat professional? My reasoning behind this idea is I really like the alignment aid the white top line will have in contrast to the black face. Although I like the R11, I feel my driver is a bit more forgiving because the face are is a bit larger. The white TM Burner has the face area I like but I can't get over the shape of the head. If you could get the face area of the Burner with the head shape of the R11, that would be a perfect driver for me...essentially I'm trying to create it with this idea. Any advice is much appreciated.
  7. I think you'd be best with the Diamana b/c it'll land a bit softer and you shouldn't really need to worry about ballooning or any significant loss of distance. Just my 2 cents.
  8. Titleist & Taylormade both have really nice sounds at impact for those who don't like the noisier drivers like Nikes. I play a Callaway FT-5 which has a very distinct sound that I really don't like or dislike...at the end of the day, it's about what performs. Just my two cents.
  9. The "coolness" factor is really hard to judge for the most part. That example is just Jerry Kelly being Jerry Kelly. Most guys were cordial when approaching a tee and tipped their cap to the applause. Some were not so friendly. I'm sure concentration, nerves, and frustration with their game at the moment contributed to their demeanor coming off the way it did. I will say that BY FAR, the most miserable person on the course was Sergio Garcia. That said, I'm not a fan of Sergio at all (spitting in the hole, complaining, and making excuses all of the time) but he looked so down on himself, I actually felt bad for him. He just exuded disappointment in all of his mannerisms. AK seemed pretty happy go lucky as did Freddy Couples. Tom Watson tossed a fan his water bottle. No surprise...Ian Poulter was what I would describe as his typical uppity self and slammed his driver into the ground on the 15th tee after a poor-ish drive. You'll love your first tournament. They simply play a different game all around, but you really recognize this when you can hear what they discuss with their caddies.
  10. All I can say is WOW! What an awesome experience Although the crowds are large, I had no issues seeing all of the players up close. It's all about planning ahead. This was the single best sports experience I've ever had and think it may be near impossible to top. To think it nearly never happened... I was on the phone with the guy who was getting me the badge on Friday. He assured me he'd set it aside for me and everything was in place. I got a call (on the 13th tee at my home course) on Saturday from him stating things are up in the air...long story. He said to call him at 10am on Sunday morning. I did and the badge was mine for the day. I live 30 minutes away and was there as son after I received the call as possible. I got out so fast, I forgot to bring my chair That being said, it had arms and wouldn't have been allowed in anyway. Most people simply bought the masters chairs that were sold out by the time I got there. Yep, I walked and stood the entire day and never even had an issues with it. I felt so privileged to be there I didn't even noticed the blister that I had reintroduced to my foot...My new Adidas tour 360s fit perfect now though . I will say that taking a chair in and setting it up is great advice. This is what many people did around the greens. The coolest thing was that nobody messed with anyone eases stuff. I honestly believe you could leave stuff on your chair and have no worries about it being stolen. That said, I would try it, but that just gives you an idea of how cool the environment is. The people attending were very courteous and knowledgeable about the game. This was really pleasant to be around because people treated each other well and really confirmed for me the fact that golf teaches people much more than one may think. I was speaking with another patron about this and I explained it as watching people board a large flight and place their bags at the front of the plane rather than above their seat where they should be (and where people are instructed to put them). If everyone just followed the rules, there would be no real hassle getting off the plane. The problem is that people are selfish and discourteous of others. Everyone's looking our for "number one" and it's a shame. Not to rant too much, but you see this all around you. If people only took them time to think more about each other I think we'd all be happier. One thing that really surprised me was how well organized the whole thing was. Kudos to all that put this event together! I figured there would be a lot of waiting in line listening to people complain about waiting in line and that was simply not the case. I purchased items as souvenirs when I first got there and didn't even have to wait to check out. I also didn't have to wait to "check" my items in storage either. I simply walked up, gave the items to the employee, they gave me a ticket, and I was on my way. There was no charge for this service. After the tournament, I went to get my items and waited in line for maybe 15 minutes. IMO that was well worth not having to clutch those items all day. To be honest, I have no idea why they aren't charging for this service, but then again, that's just another piece that makes Augusta National and this tournament so special. One other thin aside from the great golf that made this experience cool was the fact that the food/beer was priced very reasonably (and those lines moved pretty quick as well). Beers were $2.75 a piece (but they were 16 ounces I think and they came in cool cups with the 2010 master's logo on them...free souvenirs . Sandwiches ranged from $1.50 - $2.50. They weren't deli quality but they weren't bad either. As far as the golf goes, the only disadvantage to attending the tournament is you don't get to see everything as it happens like you do on tv. You can hear the roars all the way across the course and you know that means something big just happened. Most times a nearby spectator would agree to help out the group by checking a nearby scoreboard to inform everyone what just took place. We would (of course) save that person's spot. I spent most of my time on the tee boxes as I really like seeing tee shots...and you can get super close to every pro by planning ahead. I stood at 9 for much of the day because you can see the 1st green, as well as the 2nd tee shot from there (3 for one)! I also spent time on 15, 18, and 1 throughout the day. Another thing I did was simply roam the course as a whole to get a feel for it and how each holes plays. Amen Corner is pretty impressive in the flesh! It is absolutely amazing how hilly that course really is. It's also really impressive at how far and accurate these guys are with their ball striking. You know when the ball makes a sound you haven't heard it make before, that person is clearly playing a different game than you are...I'll only speak for myself though. It really makes me think of all of these topics where people talk about really being able to use all of the technology that is out there with ball and clubs. These guys can definitely unleash all of the capabilities of this new stuff. One of the coolest things involved Jerry Kelly. He approached the 9th tee and dropped a ball in a guys beer. I thought it was funny and wished it was mine, as i really like Jerry's down to earth nature and the fact that he transitioned from hockey to golf...like me. Yes, the guy drank the rest of the beer. I could go one and on. I hope some of you found this helpful or, at the very least, somewhat entertaining. For what it's worth, I paid $600 for the badge for that day and would do it again in a heartbeat. It's just a really cool thing to be a part of and witness to. Even though I'm moving back north (Berlin, MA) in the next month, I'll still look to travel down each year if possible. Feel free to shoot me any questions or particulars you may want to know about.
  11. I have a badge for Sunday and am looking for advice as to how I can get the very most out of my experience. Please provide any advice you think will prove beneficial for me. Thanks!
  12. Looking for opinions. Did a search and didn't really find too much on these as of yet. Also, this may be a stupid question but, are these forged? I can't seem to find that out anywhere. Thanks!
  13. I own the F2 15.5* and really like it...when I hit it well. They are definitely workable (too much sometimes) and very long if hit correctly. I use it from the fairway as well as off the tee. I would suggest going with the 15.5 because the 13.5* will be more difficult to get up in the air. I have the Diamana blue for Titleist in mine and have no trouble at all hitting a low boring trajectory. Ballooning really shouldn't be an issue for you. I will say that when I was originally thinking about which one I wanted (F2 or F3) I was leaning towards the F3 because it's deeper and I thought that would prove beneficial off the tee. I'm sure it would but it would make those fairway shots harder to hit. Just my two cents. Good luck with the purchase.
  14. Just out of curiosity, what are the bounces on your different wedges?
  15. Although I'll admit it took a while for me to really be able to use the 909h properly and consistently, I love this club now. I can hit it high, low, left, right pretty consistently on command. I own the 19*. I really like using it for the low penetrating ball flight in the wind. It's not the most forgiving hybrid out there, but it's definitely versatile. I'm looking to purchase a 24* to remove my 4i from the bag. I'm just not consistent enough with that club.
  16. I experienced this exact scenario. Did you continue to wear the Adidas shoes? Did they eventually become comfortable. I've only worn mine once and they gave me a blister on my heel. Since then, I've just continued to wear my Dryjoys. I'm just not sure if I should sell/return the Adidas shoes or fight through breaking them in.
  17. I actually just traded with another member on this forum for a set of Tour Edge CNC forged irons w/ KBS Tour shafts. These irons are sweet. I was playing Titleist Ap2s w/ Project X shafts (the 2008 version) and decided to give these a shot. I wanted another set to have around and was looking to hit something different...I like to tinker with my equipment pretty consistently. I'm not sure if it's in my head, but I'm really hitting these clubs more solidly than the AP2s. They feel great and definitely give you adequate feedback. They have a real soft feel to them. I really like the way they look at set up...very traditional and confidence inspiring for me. Believe it or not, I actually prefer them to my Ap2s. Last but not least, I love the way they look...really cool and different. I will say that I think some folks may have issues with the soles though. They go from quite wide with the pw to very blade-like in the longer irons (really 3-5). For me, I find it unique and cool because it's so different. It's also nice to have a set that you won,t see in many other people's bags while out on the course. I hope this helps. Just my two cents.
  18. I've got a pair of the 2s I believe. I walked 18 in them a few weeks ago and got a nasty blister on the inside of my left heel. I wore my other shoes the last few rounds while the blister healed. I'll likely give them another go this weekend. Should I expect another blister? How long did it take you to break yours in?
  19. I bought them over the winter when I was living in NY. I used to practice in a golf dome. They weren't an issue there because of the mats I was hitting off. As soon as I got them on the course the digging began. The leading edge just digs in behind the ball and doesn't come out of the turf. The contact would be okay if the leading edge wouldn't dig and ruin the shot. I used to play Cleveland CG11s (tow dot) and had no issues. I think I'll just need to get new wedges. Someone will be happy with some new wedges once I get mine replaced.
  20. I bought them from Bob Vokey's website. The 54* is listed as having 14* of measured bounce but 10* of Effective bounce. The 58* is listed as having 14* of measured bounce but 8* of Effective bounce.
  21. Bending them 1* strong would really have that much affect on the bounce? If that's the case, then having them bent back could help solve the problem right?
  22. I'm looking to replace my wedges because I'm digging way too much with them...especially on fuller shots. They were a bad purchase in retrospect. I bought them for their versatility of playing many different shots, but found that I really am only able to hit them well when I'm chipping to a pin, as opposed to trying to get to the green from 110 and in. It's really too bad because they are custom spin-milled Vokeys (TVD M grind) that cost me 200 a piece. I had them bent 1* strong to fill yardage gaps more effectively. They were 54* & 58* to start. I may trade or sell these once I find their replacement if anyone is interested. The grooves are still super sharp. I digress... I'm definitely a digger/driver and am curious if anyone can recommend any wedges with appropriate bounce for my swing. Clearly hitting and getting fit is the ideal, but I'm looking to just research at this point. What brands (other than Scratch because I've already seen that they would work) would you recommend for someone in my position? I'm interested in Callaway X-Forged Tour, Clevelands, and Mizunos, but am open to other suggestions.
  23. The TM Superquad is indeed a good reliable driver. I own the exact one you are inquiring about. I will have to disagree with a previous post stating that the face is not closed at address. I'm quite sure it is closed at least 1* if not 1.5*. When I was gaming mine, I had the weights set to neutral with the high launch option. I found that it did a great job eliminating the right side of the course. I used to have difficulty slicing the ball every now and again, but now play a consistent fade. After a while, I found that poor drives would head left and stay left. I know that was simply due to my swing progressing, but I wanted to point that out as the closed face certainly lends itself to being a part of the issue. Last month I was a able to pick up a used FT5 Tour 9.5 w/ a V2 stiff shaft. It is the draw version. I paid $65 for this club. This thing is an absolute rocket launcher and the shaft is amazingly solid. I would recommend this combo to anyone who is looking for the perfect balance of distance and accuracy. That being said, we're all different and it may not be the best option for you...but it works fantastically well for me . I will say that I'm not a huge fan of how this driver sounds but I can easily get over that with the results i get. Good luck with your purchase!
  24. So I got 9 in today and tried something new as I was having some trouble hooking shot with my irons. I decided to choke down slightly and it made a pretty decent improvement. This leads me to my question. Would I benefit from having my clubs bent a degree or two out? I recognize hitting on a lie board would be useful, but I'm curious if any of you have any thoughts on this. Thanks!
  25. Can you explain the snap hook part of your response? I've found that over time, my ball flight has gone from a slight draw, to a really exaggerated draw/hook when i hit a poor shot. How does the shaft stiffness come into play? I used to play 5 days a week and did so with my current irons since I purchased them back in the winter of 2007-2008. Could the shafts in my irons (AP2 Project X 5.5) really be worn to the point that they're negatively effecting my game? I also used to hit off mats all winter when I lived in NY. I suppose I'll look for any excuse That said, I recognize most times it's the Indian, not the arrow. I apologize in advance for the minor threadjack.
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