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Everything posted by alpine0000

  1. alpine0000


    i admire that. simplicity is nice.
  2. Been playing for 3 years. Best score on a par 72 is 103. Best score on a par 3 course is 73 I believe... My handicap listed is just my best guess, I still need to figure that out.
  3. alpine0000


    i use the stock head covers for my clubs (putter, driver, and 3 wood). however, i lost the stock headcover for my hybrid somewhere on the course, so now i just dont use one on that club.
  4. -Take golf lessons -Break 100 -Go to the practice range more often
  5. 50 is very nice. Some of the competitors can only hold somewhere between 10-20!
  6. alpine0000


    32. but my girlfriend is much younger, so it keeps me young!
  7. I am a database administrator for a big-name government contractor software/IT services company. I am currently stationed at Camp Anaconda in Iraq to set up some new database servers for the Army. My tour is almost over, and I get to come home in 2 weeks! I am also a forum admin for a site I started up last year and, I too, sometimes look through the log files and dabble around in cpanel for hours
  8. Sorry if this has been covered, but I cant seem to find it (even on uPlays website). How many golf courses can the uPro hold?
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