I just had to vent somewhere for this topic. Is it me or is Blake, of Big Break Disney Golf, doing too much with his mouth than with his clubs? I kind of let it go through the first few episodes but man, it never ends. It's kind of embarrassing if you think about it. All these calm and, of course, pressured contestants trying hard on every shot and there is one loose cannon just letting off mini shots with his mouth after every shot. He also lets it out against other contestants. For the past two episodes I heard him say (referring to Kevin) "How is he still here?" WOW...The last time I checked, Blake has just as much, if not more, inconsistent shots as Kevin did through the show so far. He got mad at Kevin this week for saying "Wow" after he had just won. WOW...lol...Everyone knows that Andrew Giuliani has a GREAT golf game. He can back his talk up with his game. I think he should keep rattling Blake. haha...I love his grin before every shot. Gipper has a bad shoulder, Kevin is slicing the ball but they're not slamming clubs and tearing up grass on the show. (okay maybe the other contestants do slam their clubs but they do it at their bag not the course's grass...lol) Blake's actions make good TV but man does it bother me. This is golf man...you should have learned to control your emotions in your double digit handicap days.