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Everything posted by Josh90

  1. Josh90


  2. So recently with the new golf season here I've been working on keeping my hands and elbows close to my body during the swing which has helped me maintain a straight ball flight with some occasional draw. But since ive been focusing so much on my swing path I've also started to sway on the backswing a little which is causing some fat shots now and I've also started really hooking the ball and quite a few snap hooks in there. I was just curious if the two problems I'm having might be related or am I having two separate issues in my swing.?
  3. When I said that earlier I didn't mean I was trying to flight my wedges I meant it just gave me an idea to try something different because nothing else was working too well.
  4. I like how you worded that because that's exactly how it feels. Basically a shorter swing and I try not to hinge my wrists at all. Just straight back and through to the target. I have to work to get my distances down but 90% of the time it went pretty much straight to the target. It took a lot of guess work out of my swing
  5. This thread is actually what gave me the idea to try these shots. I'm sure I need to practice more but with the shots I was taking the other day it was more of a take the arms back in the backswing and then swing the with the body and let the weight of the club do the work. I didn't really try to swing hard at all. Now I understand if I have to fly a bunker or water that's totally different. I by no means have a good short game yet but I can tell I've come along way since I started golfing last year. Everytime I was inside 50 yards last year I would always try a super high flop shot that worked decent but sometime I would skull it across the green. But now I'm starting to realize you can use so many different clubs and different shots to get the same results and these shots are normally a lot more consistent then a flop shot.
  6. So the other day I was at the course and I have always hard a hard time from 100 yards and in with my sand and lob wedge. So I thought I would try a different approach and it worked out quite well and was curious if this is something I should continue to do and try to improve on it. From about 100 to 40 yards in I've always tried to take a 1/2 to full swing with my wedges to get it on the green and it normally doesn't work out very well. So yesterday I took my basic chip shot from around the greens where I open my stance and have 75% of my weight on my front foot to pitch it on the greens from close range and tried it from farther back. Now the ball flight was significantly lower ( only 15 maybe 20 feet off the ground) but it was a lot more consistent than with my sand and lob wedges. The only change to my shot I made was that I would use a 7, 8, or 9 iron to make my normal chip shot. Just curious if this is something I should pursue and keep doing or should I try to go back to the more traditional close shots where the ball goes very high in the air?
  7. I went back out last night and hit about 50 in a row of perfect shots so I don't get it lol. I swear its a mental thing with me, once it happens i cant stop it from happening again and everything normally goes downhill from there. And I haven't filmed it but when it happens it feels and looks like I'm blading it straight off the edge of the toe. Could that be why it goes right or do all shanks normally go that way?
  8. I've been practising my pitching off of a practice mat and gotten fairly decent at it with the technique mvmac is describing but lately I've been having a problem with blading it about 45 degrees to the right and I can't figure it out. It's almost like a case of the yips. I'll hit 40 or 50 nice shots then out of nowhere it happens and once it starts it's impossible to stop. Very frustrating!!! I've spent countless hours getting this technique down packed and then this started happening about 2 weeks ago and I have no idea how to fix it.
  9. So I was wondering if there is any way to tell just from the ball flight if your hitting the traditional out to in swing plane slice because of and over the top move or maybe I've got an in to out plane and just too much? A lot of my iron shots seem to start way right of target as soon as I hit them and have a fade to them and then my driver does the same thing but it does slice pretty severe. I know an over the top move creates a glancing blow to the ball and normally doesn't have much power to it but my shots feel like I'm hitting them very solid there just going way right. So any advice would be appreciated?
  10. Ok so Im a little confused on the instruction. is this drill to help me swing in to out because I thought my problem was swinging too much from the inside. if I hit the bottle that would mean that I'm swinging out to in which isn't my problem. also just curious if there's a way to tell if my path is the problem or maybe I'm not releasing the club still because I played a round yesterday and continued to push everything to the right now matter what I tried
  11. So just for starters I wanna say that golf is by far the hardest sport to play lol no matter how hard I practice when I fix one problem it seems to create 2 more problems in the process. I've been golfing for almost a year now and have really been working on a inside out swing path and everyone always says to act like your hitting a ball to right field to get the feel of swinging on that path. but since I've been focusing on that so much lately other parts of my game are falling apart now. I'm starting to hit the occasional fat shot now and pushing everything to the right now with a good amount of thin shots mixed in. My distance has dramatically increased since I've learned this new swing path but right now the cons outweigh the pros. It's gotten to the point now where I overthink everything even to the point where I'm not even comfortable in my setup stance anymore. but yesterday I was doing some reading on finish stances and happened to notice alot of the time I finish in what they called the helicopter finish and it also said you will probably have every problem I'm currently having which is holding off on releasing the club and possibly too much of an in to out swing. I honestly feel like I was a considerably more consistent golfer before I tried to learn that swing path. I don't know what to do to fix it or where to start and it's to the point of thinking about quitting because before I tried to change I had shot a 79 and was shooting in the 80s every other round or so. So any advice or help would be greatly appreciated because I love this sport it's just frustrating beyond belief
  12. I also have a couple more questions. Should game improvement irons still give you the same ability to apply backspin when your going for the green. My home course has very soft greens and the ball sinks way in when it hits so it doesn't go very far but if I don't get the loft I need they will skid right across the green and not stop at all. Is that operator error on my part or do these type of clubs not have the same abiltity?
  13. The only thing I can guess at is that I am normally someone who tends to pick the ball up cleanly off the ground without a divot with my irons but last night definitely felt like I was hitting more down on them. And maybe some of it was off centered hits but I'm not positive. With changing recently to swinging in to out it really helps to swing with my body and try and keep my arms just along for the ride I guess you could say. Would this swing change possibly have given me anymore clubhead speed?
  14. As in I'm swinging too far from in to out?
  15. You said earlier you figured my irons were on a lower trajectory now which was how I gained the extra yardage but the ball seemed to go even higher and just seemed to have alot more behind it. Last month my 7 iron might go 165 yards but today it was going 190-200 and that's just carry And I will post a video hopefully shortly but I just wanted some more ideas thrown around because I am going to the range to try and figure out what's going wrong
  16. It's actually on the same trajectory with my irons. But when my old iron shots would start coming down these kick into 2nd gear is what it looks like
  17. So with the help from mostly this site and one lesson I'm starting to really get the hang of golf. By no means am I good yet but the ball is really starting to go where I want it to with distance and direction and I've been Playing for a little over 5 months. And recently I've been trying to get rid of my over the top slice and I think I've fixed that issue. So with my in to out swing now mainly I've been getting gentle draws with alot of small pushes which generally put me on the right side of the fairway or the first cut. So I've been trying to get a little more out of them lately and the last round I played I definitely have overdone it it seems the longer the clubs the more it draws/hooks now. My 8 iron through 5 irons have a very aggressive draw to them like aim for the right side of the green to compensate but the ball ends up missing left by 5 or 10 yards. And my driver now is just a straight hook low and right off the tee. I'm wondering if it might be my grip but I haven't tested that theory out yet. But one positive I've gotten from this is that my irons are going noticeably farther now. Several times I believed I had the right club to hit the front of the green only to see it land 5 to 10 yards past the green so I'm very confused about all of this. So if anyone has any ideas for me I would love to try them
  18. So I'm 26 and my average score right now is 90. And I would have to say I hit my target 70 percent of the time but I've put ALOT of work into my wedges in the back yard so as long as I'm decently close to the hole it's normally not a problem to pitch or chip it close to the hole. And as far as my ball flight goes I am working on hitting a slight fade because I was really bad at slicing a couple months ago but last round only had 1 fade in the whole round. And disregard what I said about trying to hit a fade I meant to say draw
  19. Right now I'm hitting the ball in the sweet spot or with a half inch of it towards the toe of the club. Would you consider that to be a decent consistent shot or does it need to be better than that? In my round of 79 i hit one shot fat and that was with my sand wedge. And the majority of my missed were slight pushes which I consider to be a step in the right direction for me And are my particular set of irons able to be fitted for me or can only certain sets be adjustable?
  20. Oh I understand that I'm not saying I'm gonna run down to the nearest golf shop and get the most expensive clubs now because I finally broke into the 70s. I was just curious what options are out there and what benefits they offer. And as far as practice and ball striking the net I have in my back yard has been a tremendous help with my contact because I'm no longer distracted by my ball flight
  21. So am I able to get my clubs that I have now fitted or are there only certain sets that you can do that to?
  22. Ok that makes sense I guess I was just curious if there are any noticeable differences and your definitely right about the chunky look of the irons lol but I don't mind. Also curious if getting these clubs fitted to me would help alot or buying a fitted set cause I'm not entirely sure how all of that works
  23. So I have been golfing for about 5 months now and been working on swing inside to outside which is coming along nicely thanks to a practice net I bought about a month ago. I finally broke into the 70s with a 79 and was starting to wonder when I should possibly upgrade my clubs? Right now I'm using taylormade aeroburner irons 5- approach wedge and then I have the tour preferred sand and lob wedges. And after researching my irons I know that they are game improvement irons so they are forgiving but aren't gonna give me the same consistency that higher end irons will. Would anybody recommend when might be a good time to upgrade? Any advice is greatly appreciated
  24. So should I completely ignore the ball the whole and just solely concentrate on my swing?
  25. So I'm still relatively new to golf but I have been progressing decently 4 months in and I shot my first 90 last week. But lately I don't have as much time to go out and practice so I bought a golf net so I can practice without having to leave the house. I was just wondering what kind of things can you learn from using a net and not being able to see the ball flight. Right now I'm trying to just slowly work on my form and swing path. And I have been making very good contact too since I started and using a dry erase marker alot of my hits are pretty close to the sweet spot so that felt good to see. But obviously just cause the ball hits the center of the net doesn't mean it wouldn't hook or slice so does anybody have anything I can check for when I'm hitting?
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