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About nokmond

  • Birthday 11/30/1976

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  • Member Title
    Weekend Duffer

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  • Index: 16
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. I was playing with a mate last week, a 3 HCP, and noticed his grip was totally different to mine. I used a to have super strong grip but It's gone back to neutralish with both v's pointing to my right shoulder. My mates grip, his left V pointed right and his right v pointed left. Has anyone else tried this? PS - look at this pic of Hogan's grip its similar http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_FehJeDCKQc...mag+grip-1.jpg
  2. I'm well up for practising with a belt round my arms - where abouts on the arms do is need to go tho? Above or below the elbow?
  3. All this talk about tempo clicking has just clicked with me - my practice swings are always inside to outside with a nice straight brush of the turf, my swing when i'm playing badly is out to in, severely sometimes. Could this be purely down to rushing my swing at the top?
  4. Nice one mate, i'll play as many as I can before deciding which to join. Good luck with the swing!
  5. Where abouts in London do you play pal? Moving down south (Richmond) soon so i'm looking for some nice courses to play
  6. I've been reading up on 'Deep hands' and have practised the drill. Does having deep hands 'fix' coming ott or does it just help?
  7. I shall try a more upright posture for sure. Chris Wood comes to mind. http://www.golftoday.co.uk/proshop/f...sequence_9.jpg I've always had the problem of my head lifting, always as in been playing for 3 years anyway. Hopefully my instructor can sort it out in a couple of weeks.
  8. Thanks for the response. I've had a look at the deep hands thread but i'm struggling to get the sense of it tbh. Can you describe what my hands etc should do from 0.11 because i can see exactly what i'm doing wrong but don't know how to fix it! Cheers
  9. Just thought i'd post a video of my swing to get some constructive criticism! I've just had a lesson last week in which we worked on a neutral grip (had a ridiculously strong grip previous) and allignment. Can't have another lesson for a couple of weeks so hopefully some of you swing guru's can give me something to look at. Here's the swing - http://www.flickr.com/photos/39090643@N05/4859053989/ To me it seems there is too much head movement and i'm starting the downswing by moving my head forward causing me to come over the top? Let me know what you think!!! PS - My main problem is an out to in path.
  10. I'm struggling to get a feel for sliding the hips - what does it feel like to you gents?
  11. Holy shit mate! Do you take your rulebook to the bog with you? Chill out!
  12. Thanks for the replies guys - very helpful as ever. My biggest problem is how to slide the hips forward? My head tends to move toward the target more than my hips. When do you start the hips moving and how should it feel?
  13. When driving using S&T; what do you change as opposed to using irons? Obviously you don't want to be hitting the ground with a driver. I've ordered the S&T; book but i'm curious to know what changes are needed.
  14. What would make it S&T; then apart from the head movement? Had a session on the range and was hitting some very consistent draws withh the irons, not so good with the woods tho...
  15. No worries pal.
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