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Everything posted by simland

  1. Tried again to get a steeper swing (more neutral). At the top it seems to work fairly well, but I've noticed that even though it feels weird on the take away I am still taking it back inside of plane. The other big issue I've notices is that my first move on the downswing puts the club outside the plane. Also, my swing doesn't look very smooth or fluid. Can't pin point why. Too rushed? Any advice?
  2. I can see the effort to look like Adam Scott. Looks like your in a similar boat as I am. Take all of this with a grain of salt as I am not a pro (by any means) but here is what I see: On the front view, I see a bit of a reverse C on the back swing. Adam Scott doesn't really have a lot of noticeable movement on his back swing, but if you watch closely the line that his torso makes on the front side is near vertical where you break through the plane a bit. DOTL view shows a few things. It looks like you break your wrists a little early in the backswing. That combined with what looks like a very active right arm gets your club high but off plane. Being fairly out of position at the top results in you coming from out to in on the down swing. You have a pretty good weight shift and allow the club to follow through nicely which is why your club face was able to release nicely and resulted in what looked like a pull. Again, I'm a hack, but I think that if you focus on a slower backswing with a takeaway where you don't break the wrists as fast, you will find that you can maintain a better plane. Also, I would do some really slow back swings and pay very careful attention to where you feel your center of gravity. Right now I would say it stays very centered but moves a little bit over your left foot during the top of your backswing. Good luck and keep swinging! You are at a great place where it might be useful to get some lessons. I find they are worthless until you have a consistent swing.
  3. Ok new video. This was taken today and it looks like I'm still rotating around my body quite a bit. The take away is more smooth so there is progress. The video uploaded oddly, I'm not that squat looking. Should I be more bent over? My hands don't want to seem to go higher than they do on the backswing.
  4. OK, I have new video but not the ability to post for some time. The video above is a very stiff version of my swing about 2 weeks ago. I've learned and had confirmed what was said here: I was taking it too far inside too soon. I started consciously trying to take the club straight back for the first few feet in a one piece motion. I also tried to get my hands higher. Gone is the duck hook. However, now I have a fade to giant slice ball flight (essentially where I was when I started 2 years ago). I'm not certain if I am letting my arms get away from my body, if the club face is open or if I'm getting slightly stuck on my back foot. I know not much help can be given unless I post a video of my changed swing, but here are the symptoms: 1) 20% of the time I'll hit a shot fat 2) 70% of the time the ball flight will be a fade to push fade. (no pull slices) 3) When I swing out of my shoes, I either get an amazing draw/straight/fade (ends up on target line) bomb or a giant Slice. Any insight would be appreciated, I know to take it all with a grain of salt until video can show the error of my ways. Thanks!
  5. I'll take it to heart. It makes sense. If I'm catching it a shade early and I'm lined up right. It means that my club face is going to be a shade open and I'll push it right every time. The push fades are not very drastic which means some small changes and some repetition should go a long way. I think a little basic flexibility work would also help. (Could just be the winter rust.) Once again thanks. Which camera angle tells more about the swing? Rear or side? A few samples of each?
  6. Thanks for the advice. seniorchipotle: I certainly agree that I look cramped. While at address I feel that is the position I need to be at for my arms to hang straight down and the club bottom to lie flat. I sometimes wonder if I'd benefit from a club fitting. But that's the whole Indian vs Arrow debate. I'll try the technique you described to get a different perspective. I also notice that my left leg/foot get a little washy the more "tired" I get. For whatever reason it's more mobile on the short irons. I honestly rarely, if ever pull the ball. These days 50% of my shots are push fades, 5% slices, 30% straight, 10% draw on target and 5% hook. I think my grip is certainly an issue. I started out this season (2 weeks ago) strangling the club. I tried to loosen the grip. That helped the club face come around easier and removed some of my push fade issue. I've tried the "perfect grip". I don't think I understand it well enough as when I rotate my hands as instructed it doesn't feel natural at all and usually results in a snap hook. boots: What is this feeling of the hands dropping? I try to start the down swing with my body and let my arms/hands react like a whip. If the weather cooperates, I'm going to try to make some of these changes and get some more vid this weekend.
  7. Looks pretty good. I think you are casting the club a bit. I would recommend trying a few swings where you try and hold back as long as possible.
  8. Hey All, I was just looking for some general advice around swing mechanics. I've been actively trying to get better for about 2 years now. Mostly self taught and tuned. If I avoid blow up holes, I can shoot high 80s. Appreciate your input.
  9. Can confirm it's only the Masters tournament where Augusta is a nightmare. It's the only round of TW I've ever shot over par. With a +3 the first round and me doing only 2 round tourneys, I only had one round to learn the course. I finished at -9 for the tournament. I got extremely versed in the nuances of the course. Not often in TW do I forgo the par 5s in 2 strategy, but it really payed off. Also swirling wind? That was a new one. Though it was very hard as a Master's tournament it was very enjoyable. Side note: Fire your caddie. The only time he is useful is on the greens where it is hard to judge speed. He'll provide a decent enough ballpark. Unless he just gives up, then I suggest flopping to near the pin.
  10. Stepped up to a par 3. Distance was about 170 yards with the hole/green sitting a few feet below the tee. I could see my shot, a nice high fading 7i. I mean, I could genuinely see the shot and feel the shot. I was stoked. So I stepped up and hit a b-line into the water guarding the entire front of the green. I was deflated. I was ready to just go up and take a drop, but my player partners suggested I just hit another for fun as no one was behind us. I was still feeling the shot and I knew I could do it, so I cleared the mind and let the body take over. I hit the exact shot I wanted. Too exact. I pinseeked at about a foot over the hole, the rebound left me with a good 10 foot putt that I missed. But I was so excited to see the shot and then make the shot. There have been many other great shots (it's why we keep playing), but none that I felt so sure about.
  11. Anthony Kim at -10
  12. I had a similar issue when I started playing a few years ago. It wasn't my only problem, but it was noticeable. The body will try to square up the club face and center it on the ball. I find that in all parts of the golf swing that if I start on one side, I'll finish on the other. E.g. start on an out-to-in swing path, finish on an in-to-out swing path. I always tried to line the heel of the club up with the ball to try and fix toeing it. A friend essentially hit me upside the head and said I was setting myself up for failure. I moved the set up to the toe just to jar myself a bit and have now landed on lining a bit toe-side of center and it works great. I'm just a hack, so take it with a grain of salt. P.S. One thing I like to do when I can't seem to get out of a rut is golf in ridiculous ways. Like drop my back leg about 3 feet. Try to swing standing on one leg. Swing with one arm. Swing with my eyes closed. I find the more your brain is involved, the worse you play.
  13. Here's how I see it go and this is how I see it for myself. The following are 18 hole scores. 120: Just picked up clubs 100: Understand the game. Putt decently enough (So you think.) Everything up to the green is spray and pray. 90: Have decreased the inconsistency in your long game. Putting and Chipping is now better. (This is where I am) 85: Learned your swing sucked. Took video or a lesson. Now don't have to worry too much about the Tee and placing it near/in the fairway. Putting, Pitching and Chipping are all skills you're familiar with. 80: Further inconsistency removed from the swing. Practice Practice Practice. Hazard play has become reliable. 75: Consistency, Practice, Chipping, Hazard Play, Accuracy with Irons from any type of grass. Scratch: More of the same, better course management. 70 and Beyond: Ability to take risks and win. Longer drives to get to scoring clubs faster. PUTTING! That's how I see it. It will likely be a different path for everyone. Like for me 3 months ago when I started I would say my stats were: Score: 105 Driving - 2/10 Irons - 2/10 Wedges - 3/10 Chipping - 3/10 Putting - 5/10 After retooling my entire swing 2 weeks ago Score: 88 Driving - 7/10 Irons - 6/10 Pitching - 6/10 Chipping - 5/10 Putting - 7/10
  14. Easy ways to kill distance: Casting the club out. Not taking a full swing. Gripping the club too tight. Can't really help you out unless you've got a vid of your swing.
  15. Have you checked your grip? You may have a weak grip. At times my irons will start to push right of the target. Unfortunately it's harder for me to do this on the course, but at the range I take out a 7-PW and take 1/2 swings. I try not to use the body and focus mostly on the arms. I take back the club and try to swing squarely throught he ball. This usually gets the correct muscle memory back in my arms and then I take a full swing and money.
  16. I'm a little confused about this concept. Coudl someone clear this up for me? Aren't you suppose to shift your weight to your right side during the backswing? And again when you initiate the downswing are you nto supposed to bump your hips forward? Does the lower body talk reference mostly just lifting feet off the ground or having soft knees?
  17. 3 Months into learning the game, I've got 2 very memorable shots. Local Muni last hole (2 weeks ago): Sharp dog leg right with a severely elevated green. Pull hooked the drive. Took a drop. 5 Iron out of a valley trying to cut the dog leg, left myself under a tree. I had to fly through tree branches over another tree that guards the green 25 ft above my lie with about 120 yards to the pin. Pulled out my 9 iron and proceeded to hit a real golf shot. Came down on the ball it rocketed up through the branches over the far tree and dropped dead 5' from the pin. First time I've hit an iron and not had the ball release. Local Scramble Tourney: Last hole, long par 5 with a severly protected green. Using someone else's drive, I hit my 3W 220 to come to rest right before the greenside monster of a bunker with 50 yards to the pin. We use my shot as everyone else sliced into fairway bunkers. I proceed to hit a sweet flop with my 60 degree over the bunker and stop it 3' from the hole. Great way to end the round. This game is fantastic.
  18. As a high handicapper I know that when I "lose" my swing it just shows me how much I rely on luck throughout the swing. Usually, late in the round things start to fall apart as my body starts to lose a bit of the sharpness in regards to timing and general fatigue. Luckily, around this time my short game is beyond warmed up and can make up for the poor fairway woods and long iron shots. I've found that if I see the swing starting to leave me, it's time to simplify things. Try to hit 75-80%, so club up and swing smooth. Also absolutely enforce the preshot routine to stimulate proper muscle memory. (The ultimate fix that I am heading towards is a swing that is less reliant on luck and timing.)
  19. Does the ball fly sky high? A lot of backspin should cause the ball to rocket up like an iron hit. I would suggest playing the ball a little more forward in your stance and/or changing the height you tee the ball.
  20. bjw181, you are correct. The effect I spoke of exists, but it is not called a block. And actually after watching the vids a few more times, I would say widening your stance is the best advice. Just give that a go before trying anything drastic.
  21. Take this with a grain of salt as I've only been playing for about 3 months. I made some big leaps in fixing my swing this past week after watching myself on slow motion video. I found that I wasn't shifting my weight forward and was instead rotating my hips like crazy while staying on my back foot. This combined with a relatively flat swing plane led to a huge out to in swing path. My ability to close the club face is what determined the success of the ball flight. Now, taking what I know about my swing and seeing your swing (which is pretty darn good) I can say that if you normally hit a fade or a push, you are likely on an out to in swing path. It doesn't look very drastic. I would suggest 2 things. 1) Take a little steeper backswing as right now it looks fairly flat. With a flat backswing your hands have to shift at the start of the downswing to try and get the club back on plane. This causes the start of the out to in swing path. (With a closed club face this will push the ball every time. Especially if you play the ball forward in your stance as this gives the club more time to close.) 2) Make a stronger shift of weight to your front foot. If you do this your body will clear out preventing your hip rotation from causing a block. Blocking will cause your swing path to have to come from the outside no matter what you do. Again, grain of salt, I'm a bogey golfer.
  22. In the past few weeks I've decided to give golf another shot; ending a 5+ year hiatus due to slice frustration. I've focused heavily on correcting my driver. My efforts have led me to flattening my swing plane a significant amount. I'm told it looks normal, but it feels really flat and smooth compared to my old steep and agressive. This has enabled my driver to be hit straight. The down side, is that my iron play went out the window. The other night I dedicated an entire bucket to fixing my irons. After about 5 fat diggers I said "screw it" and applied my "exagerated" flat driver swing to the club. Magic happened. It sounds like you are in the same boat as myself and I would say "yes", use a flatter swing plane on your irons. Clearly what you are doing now isn't working, what harm is their in trying something different? You will notice that if you set up comfortably with the ball, such that your arms are in a good position, that you will naturally have a slightly steeper swing plane with the shorter clubs. The trick is to let the set up take care of the "steeper" swing plane and let your mind and body in motion feel that you have a flatter swing plane. The combination of the two will get a nice fluid in-to-out swing. It works for me, I hope it works for you. Good luck! P.S. The flatter swing plane has taken me from a 110+ player to a high 80s. I still shank a few drives and second shots.
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