I'm having trouble with too much draw on my irons mostly, although I am also doing it with my driver and 3 wood sometimes turning it into a hook. I read some articles about drawing the ball so I thought "hey I should try that".. and now I can't STOP it!! I really would not mind this draw so much if it would do it all the time.. It really is a pretty shot..10 yards to the left of the green! Sometimes I hit the ball straight as can be, although I would say 30-40% of the time the draw sneaks in.
I'm right handed and I've been told my right hand is too strong and I need to bring it more over the top on my grip. I swing a driver around 100-105 mph and hit my 8 iron 150yds.. Should I slow my swing down?
Can anyone confirm this, or have any other drills/tips that may be able to help me?
Thank you!!