A couple things caught my eye here.
First, a proper golf grip doesn't feel natural to a beginning golfer. Most beginners I've seen tend to take the right hand and turn it so that the thumb is on the right side of the the grip (as you look down at the club), so it feels like you have some decent power and control over the club exerted through the thumb. Without seeing a picture of your grip, I can't tell one way or the other, but when I took my first lessons and was given a correct grip, it felt very uncomfortable.
The fact that you're young and athletic can actually work against you in some respects. You can get away with improper technique by virtue of good hand-eye coordination.
With respect to feeling like you're being locked out of hand action at impact, if you mean by that that you cannot consciously manipulate the clubface at impact with your
, I don't know if that's a bad thing. If your hands, arms, and shoulders are reasonably relaxed, by the time the club reaches the ball, you shouldn't need any hand action. If you can, post a picture of your grip.
But the most important thing is to relax and learn patience. It's a lifelong game and it is indeed difficult. And the mental game is so important. Patience is rewarded in golf, over and over and over.