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  1. UPDATE: I hit the range yesterday morning and managed to be productive! It was a rough go for the first 5 balls, but after that, pretty standard. 35% of my drives went straight and 240-250. The rest not so much. Loving these new irons. My mishits still get up in the air and go much better than my old cavity backs. I'm a journey to lowering my handicap but I think I'm going to actually dial down how much time I spend on the range in pursuit of this goal. I'll spend a bit more time chipping, pitching, and putting. More play on the golf course as well because taking things from the range to the course is a challenge for me. Thanks to everyone for their input, advice, and stories! Great community here.
  2. Thanks for all the replies but this reply makes the most sense. This is pure gold. This forum is awesome. I never thought of it that way. I've had a club in my hand every day except 1 over the last 18 days. Lessons, and the EXPECTATIONS that come with it and these new clubs may have me short circuiting. I did make that first birdie prior to my first lesson. 7 iron on a 155 yard par 3. Knocked it 3 feet - dead stiff. I'm going to skip playing golf this weekend entirely. My home club is closed on Monday so I won't pick up a club until Tuesday afternoon at best. Thanks a millino!
  3. Hello all, I am brand new here and I guess my screen handle sums up the mood I was in on creating my account. That said, I've been taking lessons recently. Then, began hitting it better. I have even begun hitting driver somewhat consistently after having not been able to drive the ball for over a decade (wish I took a lesson sooner). I made the first two birdies of my life... Yes!! I went out and got a new set of irons I love because I got tired of playing with game improvement shovels. I got fitted for them. Hit many many many balls during the two part fitting process. Trajectory was great. Dispersion was good - considering continual work on my swing would narrow that range... Overall, it felt real good. Came home with new clubs yesterday - excited! It rained so I couldn't hit the range immediately after completely my purchase. Went out this morning and the only club I was able to hit was the AW (didn't try any other wedges or short irons). My driving was beyond horrible. I went from finally hitting 250 and straight to topping the ball 10 and 15 yards. These weird low 60 yard slices... 7 iron (the same club I fell in love with during fitting) was equally bad and the best shot I could manage was a 110 yard slice... Has anyone else every experienced taking lessons, getting much better, then regressing to the point where you can't advance the ball without a putter? I got so angry and frustrated while embarrassing the holy crap out of myself at my CC that tears literally welled up in my eyes. Smh. Can anyone relate? Thanks for listening.
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