Hows it going everyone. I am 24 yrs old and I started to play golf for the first time seriously about 9 months ago. Only experience I prior really had was when I was 14 and went to the range 4 times a week with my uncle for 2 straight summers. But my friends all started picking up the game so I thought why not.
Well anyways, I had pulled an all nighter and my friend called me out of the blue at 5am wanting to know if I wanted to play a round a 730am. Even though I was starting to get groggy and sleepy, I cant say no to golf, so I agreed. I ended up shooting a 95 which beat my old score of a 96. Felt pretty good after that. The very next week, I play the same course and wound up shooting a legit 85! A 10 stroke improvement. For the first time, I was hitting my irons and wedges perfectly. I landed on the green 8 of the first 9 holes when I was within 200 yards. I never felt so confident in my irons. I would just line up and say to myself I can do this easily, no prob. Then I would swing at it and just stick it. It was mind boggling. I had the opportunity to crack the coveted 70's ...but I tripled bogied my last 2 holes. That was after I decided to give into temptation and count my score to see where I was. I guess I jinxed myself
So I thought this was worthy of being my first thread I made on my golf game.
Thanks for reading.