In my usual foursome, occasionally one of us won't be able to play. Sometimes we'll invite one of the regulars we know from the casino we work at to be our 4th... or "1st" I should say since everytime we do this, they turn out to be near-scratch golfers.
Anyway, a couple weeks ago the guy we brought out uses the Stack and Tilt method and his game was unbelievable (to us), shooting a 37 on the front and a 36 on the back. He caddies at various private courses in the area so we knew he'd be skilled beforehand, but the power and consistency of his swing was pretty amazing. So I've come to take seriously my previous considerations to buy the Stack and Tilt DVD training series.
Using the free info I could find online about how to execute this swing, I tried doing it a few rounds this season and would hit a really nice shot every now and then but obvioulsly I'm still missing something. I've only been golfing regularly for 2 1/2 years now and I think I read somewhere that Stack and Tilt is more for advanced players... beginners/amateurs might have problems with it. Is that right? How much more do you think the DVDs can tell you than the free videos and articles online? Is it worth the money?