I just read a great article about the right arm in the backswing. It is from Tim Oyler of Performaxgolf.com
Here's the link
Just in case here it is:
Ninety Degrees for Long (Powerful Shots)
One of the most common faults I see among students is the lack of width in the top of the their swing. A major source of power and biomechanical strength is the angle formed between your forearm and bicep in your right arm. This Angle at the top of your backswing must maintain at least 90 degrees. Most amateurs, due to their improper grip, do not hinge their wrist properly and therefore try to support the club with an arm position that is very narrow and less than 90 degrees.
To describe the position that I am talking about stand vertical and keeping your elbow at your side, bring your right hand up in the shake hands position. You have created a 90-degree angle. From this position bend over into your proper golf posture and swing your arm to the top. You can let your elbow move slightly off of your side at this point, however feel as though you can keep a glove underneath your right arm pit. This is the position I want your right arm to be in at the top of your swing.
This position at the top of the swing is similar to throwing a ball. Notice that all great pitchers keep this 90-degree angle and to throw a ball while less than a 90-degree angle would be very awkward. No offense to women but this is the major reason why girls have a difficult time throwing the ball. Due to their structure difference of the arm they have a tendency to collapse their arm and thus not throw with much power.
Another position of the right arm and width I want you to create is away from your head at the top of the swing. This may sound confusing but in my lessons most people’s hands disappear behind their head when viewed from straight on. The proper position of your hands is to keep the 90-degree angle, but to keep your hands and arms away from your head at the top of the backswing. Imagine standing in a doorway. At the top of your swing I want your right arm to maintain the 90-degree angle but to be in the upper right corner at the top of your swing. A great way to feel this position is to again stand vertical and assume the shake hands position I described earlier. From this point I want your left hand to go behind your right tricep and create a hook like fashion with your left hand. Take your good posture and swing to the top without letting your right arm get behind your body. A great feeling for this is to imagine your elbows are trying to touch each other at the top. You will notice that at address position your right arm is in front of your chest. At the top of your backswing this position should not change and again your right arm is in front of your chest and it will seem like your arms are in the corner of the doorway.
I always tell me students that the hands should be about a foot away or more from your head, not behind your head.
Use these drills to create the proper position of your hands and arms at the top of your backswing. This is essence is one of the positions of the modern golf swing. Having a short arm swing with a 90-degree angle while creating a large shoulder turn is a key to creating lots of power and lag in your downswing.
Remember that I am responding to your questions on the blog daily so keep me informed and let me know how your doing with creating this width in your swing. Talk to you soon.