Although these questions are always fun to see the different view points for me it is hard to pick who might be better. If Tiger grew up at the same time as Jack or vice-a-versa then it would be easier to compare. The golf courses, setup of golf courses, equipment, balls, rules etc were different during Jack's era/prime than they are today. The number of events played were fewer, the development of the golf swing, swing coaches were different than in Tiger's era.
Then how do you measure greatness? Jack professional career is over, Tiger's is not. What about Byron Nelson he had 11 consecutive victories Tiger is 7, most wins in a PGA season Byron Nelson 18 Tiger 9, Ben Hogan had 10 wins in 1948 and 13 in 1946. That was back when there were not many events each year and most of the pros played all the events. Who has had the lowest 72 hole score? Tommy Armour III 254, Tiger is tied for 3rd at 257. Most strokes under par Ernie Els 231 under 261 on a par 73, Tiger is not listed in the top 3. It goes on and on in some of these minor categories of PGA records. Yes Tiger leads many other.
All I can say is they are 2 of the best golfers in history.