I just can't decide.
I've just got some brand new 755 irons off ebay and like them.
My old irons Wilson di7 were more forgiving though and I've still got them, they will be on ebay soon I think.
The 755's don't go as far and I sometimes feel a bit of a wuss playing a 9 even considering an 8 where I had a wedge before. I know that the 755's are softer lofted and built for control more than distance. BUT!!
One problem with the Wilson - a massive gap 9 degrees between wedges.
Which iron should I use?
I used to play golf for 3 years about 15 years ago but only got to about 22 handicap.
I played once or twice a year up until middle of last year then really got into it play 2 or 3 times a week now; sometimes only 9 holes, got to earn a living.
Have started to have lessons now; had 2 so far and planning one a fortnight, possibly one a month for rest of this year. The pro is really good. We've done work on posture and ball position which he says has improved dramatically. I'm working now on tempo. I used to get into an address position that created tension in my body and then swing at lightning pace.
I now have a good pre-shot routine, can get into an address position that is relaxed and make a much smoother swing. My bad shots now are usually when I snatch away from the ball, don't complete backswing, get even quicker and hit a complete duffer. Ahh.
I've got down to 14 but have creeped back up to 15 now. My aspiration is by end of year to get to single figures. I get lots of chance to practise for 30 minutes most days. I drive past my club practise ground most lunchtimes.
I know the 755's will suit me better eventually but I'm not sure I'm there yet.
I also have a couple of Ben Ross Hybrids 16 and 20 degree which I don't use a the minute.
What should I stick in the bag do you think?