To me it's not even about DJ not knowing the rules because he did. In his interview he said he knows you cant' ground the club in the bunker. The thing that gets me is calling the patch of dirt the ball was on a bunker. I think it was lazy and poor planning by the PGA to just call all the sand on the course bunkers and let people walk all over and through them. They should have planned better and deemed all the sand outside the ropes waste bunkers and avoided this type of situation. The PGA needs to step up to the plate and confront these types of situations and make improvements and take strides to avoid these situations, not just deflect blame onto the player and dissolve themselves of any blame. Unless we could see a before picture of that exact spot we will never know if that was even part of the bunker of grass trampled away by fans, it is just a sad situation, which is why people should not be allowed on such an important spot of the course.