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About Walker

  • Birthday 12/19/2000

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  • Your Location
    Starkville, MS

Your Golf Game

  • Index: 0.1
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. Walker


  2. Never had a real lesson in the short time I’ve been playing; however, I play with a lot of really good golfers and even a few pros in my area. They give me feedback when I ask, but I’d appreciate any and all critiques. I used to have a very flat swing they resulted in a pull draw. I’ve been working on getting my hands higher while keeping the draw. I've been Playing Golf for: 2y 10m My current handicap index is: 0.1 My typical ball flight is: Draw The shot I hate or the "miss" I'm trying to reduce/eliminate is: pull draw Videos:
  3. I’ve had a particularly wild golf journey, and I’m not sure anyone else has ever accomplished the feat I have. I don’t say that lightly. I just don’t know anyone who has gotten as good as I am in a shorter time frame. I started playing golf a little over two and a half years ago (21 at the time). Never picked up a club before I got a job at course near my college. They were hiring, and I was broke. I had no intention to actually take up the sport, not until I met my coworker. He played d3 golf for another college near by, and he taught me everything I know. When we first started playing together, he would give me 20 strokes and play for lunch the next day. It took me almost a year to beat him. Two years later, he was only give me 4 strokes. And now, we are dead even. This week I am 24, and I am now a scratch golfer. By that, I mean my handicap index is 0.1. At my home course, I am a +2. I’ve shot 67 twice two weeks (-15 in 4 rounds, 67 70 69 & 67). Many of the guys I play with agree that I am the most improved golfer at the club, now and ever. Last week, I had the pleasure of playing with 4 golf professionals, all been golfing their entire lives, and I beat three and tied the fourth. Have any of y’all made that kind of improvement in such a small time span? Seriously, I want to know if it’s more common than I think. If I continue on this trajectory, I may try Q school. Any tips for how I might try to get to the next level? Never played high school and never played college.
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