It is hard to keep calm on the golf course at times, I myself have not thrown but "passed " the odd club back to my bag, although I have realised over the last couple of years if you can stay calm and gain some patiance your handicap will come down :)
It was only this year I saw someone I got grouped with in a comp throw his wedge up in the air, the funny thing was it ended up a tree and he had to climb it to get it back, it was a good 30 foot up.
Also another drawn group I played with a senior member and he went mad after knocking some branches on a back swing and started hacking away at the tree like a lumber jack, I as absolutely gob smacked. He then later chopped a couple of greens with his putter after missing 2 footers, hence to say he was reported after that as if he can do that in a board event what is he like when he is out with his so called regular players.