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Beachcomber last won the day on August 29 2013

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About Beachcomber

  • Birthday 09/11/1977

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    Costa Mesa, CA

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  • Index: 6.7
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. Fellow trappers, hope all is well? Here’s a few PW’s from today where I had the camera out to check on my lines. Don’t mind the kids in the background arguing about a putting contest they had going. 🤣😂
  2. Ok, went back to the basics with my grip, balance/posture issues, and tried to prevent the right arm from getting bunched. Here’s a 7i swing from today which looks a little better to my untrained eye. Going to keep working on the grip and left/right arm - trying not to go too deep across the chest and over flexing my right bicep at A4.
  3. Ok, sorry, I was looking through the thread you shared (thank you!) and just see alignments using software to draw lines to check alignment. I was looking for something a little easier to check without a camera while on the course or range. I went deeper into the topic, and found this in Mike’s original post (see attached pic). This gives me a few tips/tricks I can use to judge the setup better using some alignment sticks. Interestingly, I just saw a tweet that popped up on my feed with a quick way to check posture and balance too. I’ll give this a try and see if I can nail it.
  4. Q: Is there a tip on how to check if your hip is in line with the ankle/mid sole at address? Is there a feel, or way to ensure your true weight distribution is balanced, and isn’t too heel or toe/balls of the feet bias?
  5. Beachcomber


  6. Ha! “Hide the goats!” Hey, why you gotta do me dirty like that?! 🤣
  7. Long time, no talk. Finally dusting off the sticks and trying to get my groove back. Here’s a few recent swings with a 7i and data from FlighScope. I’m going to work on some of the old stuff @mvmacsuggested in 2014. 😂
  8. Just wanted to send a quick note as I get contacted ~ quarterly from various golfers who must of stumbled on this thread... Unfortunately, I'm no longer playing golf at this time, nor a part of the SCISC. Not that I don't love the game, but having two babies since December of 2013 has changed how I handle my free time immensely (translation - I barely get to play anymore ). So if you're looking to play in a men's league, please contact the members on this site as they can get you connected with folks who are playing regularly, and some in organized leagues. Hit'em straight! Shawn aka Beachcomber
  9. Definitely agree that a beginner could just purchase a set off the rack, and be good to go. But if money's not a concern, knock yourself out and get fitted. Fittings started on tour, to optimize the Pro's length off the tee (driver, 3w) and to dial in their wedges and putter. That filtered down into the masses as people wanted to play with clubs like their favorite pro used. And devices like launch monitors and radars became available for purchase that a regular teaching pro or retailer could acquire. Thus fittings became a thing. The challenge as others have said is that as you engage in instruction with a swing coach/teaching professional, your swing (arc/path/baseline) will likely shift which will make that fitting obsolete.
  10. @mvmac So do you believe it's tempo? Should he invest in a Tour Tempo track?
  11. When they say there is 'no touching' in the champagne room... That means you too Mr. Allenby.
  12. Hey guys, I saw I was tagged here in this thread. Just wanted to confirm that I indeed do have the GoPro Black from a few Christmas' ago. It films 240fps at WVGA resolution which is great for the golf swing. There is a 'fish eye' effect which distorts the image a little, but you can post edit that out using the proper Adobe programs. Which some of my early vids did that, but it wasn't really worth the time/effort to post edit as the net results in my opinion is that you can see what you need to see in the swing even if the video has the fish eye effect that the GoPro lens creates. God Bless!
  13. I'm out. I'll be in Taiwan 11/30 through 12/7. Have fun!!
  14. Where's Grant on the list? And of course T_Dub (ladykiller69) is working with Evolr.
  15. Support them... Mizzy and Ping make nice clubs.
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