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About rft63

  • Birthday 11/30/1962

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  • Your Location
    Central Texas

Your Golf Game

  • Index: 8.4
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. rft63


  2. That's handy - missed another GIR
  3. Dropped 2 full points to 8.4. I had to career rounds back to back, a 74 and a 75. My lessons seem to be taking hold.
  4. My round today was truly up and down. Shot 59 on the first nine and 39 on the second nine. I was really proud that I kept my composure while recording a 10 on a par 4 and a 15 on a par 5 the first nine. Funny thing is the money ended up even at the end of the day.
  5. I saw his press conference today and when asked about his driver distance he said he had put on 3 kg of muscle in the last eight weeks. I know he is young and has the best trainers, but that seems like a lot of muscle in a short time. It is obvious he has put an emphasis on fitness the last couple of years and because I really like the kid I hope he is doing it correctly.
  6. Up again to 10.4. I keep bouncing around between 9 an 11.
  7. Still haven't received mine yet, maybe today. I am interested to see if this will allow me to play a full round without significant pain.
  8. I still have not got mine either. I am starting to think it went
  9. I bought the G-25's last July as my retirement present to myself. This was a great purchase on my part. They are solid and forgiving, yet you can tell if you miss hit the shot. I would suggest you make sure to get fit for whichever clubs you decide.
  10. I laugh at myself all the time when I hit a bad shot. It is my way of letting it go, so I don't get overly upset. In a serious round with others I would not laugh at someone else's shot unless they did so first.
  11. Didn't get mine today either. Hopefully Monday, this issue with my back is really starting to get to me.
  12. New revision out this morning and it is back into the single digits. 9.6, it is funny how one really great round can lower the handicap. I need to work to keep it there.
  13. My pain is due to nerve issues, but is directly in this area. I would be interested in trying this product.
  14. Up to a 10.1, but I am still working on getting used to a change in grip and alignment. When they work they work well, but when I slip back to old habits it gets pretty ugly. I really want to be able to stay in the single digits.
  15. I have no problem with removing trees from a golf course if it helps the course or they no longer serve their original intent. I play at a small town club in Central Texas that was built over 50 years ago. There are trees in the middle of several fairways that would have been in play for a long drive years ago, but now they are right in the landing area of a well struck drive center of the fairway. Two of them are so large that the best play now is to hit to the side of them into an adjacent fairway.
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