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Michael Phelps

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Everything posted by Michael Phelps

  1. Bullshit, i use it for medicinal purposes. Had brain surgery when i was 6, tell me why i shouldnt be aloud to take a toke. You know in some states it's illegal to get your dick sucked, you think you should go to jail for that? I doubt it. Truth be told Alcohol is the first stepping stone, so using your logic it should be illegal as well.
  2. Good job man! That's great improvement, i bet by the end of the season you will be shooting regularly in the low to mid 40's if you keep it up. Like he said, mark down everything, it really will help alot! One trick that helped me was getting some masking tape, going to the driving range, putting some tape on the face of your club, it can help to figure out how well you are striking the ball. IE The ball will leave a perfect imprint in the masking tape.
  3. Not really.. I follow the rules of golf because i love the game. I dont love the game because its a "gentelmens" sport. So your telling me you follow every law known to man? Never speed on your way to the golf course? Never switch lanes without signaling? If not man, your perfect and you should probably be on the right hand of god...
  4. Lol man im 23, i knew exactly what you meant, i was just playing around. Yeah there are def some drug addict's out there that will do some messed up things to get their drugs, i dont think anyone will deny that. But people do messed up thing's for many reasons, what about money, or religion? I think your forgeting, this thread is about herb, not crack, cocain, heroin, or meth, it's about a plant. You say visit a parent that lost someone to a car accident because of a someone driving high. What about all the people you see eating cheeseburgers driving down the freeway, or people talking/texting on their cell phone, both of those impare your judgment to. When do you stop blaming the substance and start blaming the person, do blame smith and wesson because they make guns? I doubt it, infact id be willing to be you probably have a gun yourself, talk to some parents who have lost their kid because the kid found there parents gun and and shot themselves... Effecting the citizen's and our country? Im assuming your the average American Joe that has this entitled opinion that you are better then everyone else in the world because you are an American. What about other countries that have been effected by our imperialistic ideaology? 90% of the casualties in Iraq are civillians, how do you think they have been effected by us? I bet you would be surprised to know that it was infact our government who invented crack? The CIA to be specific. Marijuana was made ileagle for a couple reason's, one because they wanted to deport African American's, Chinese Americans, And Mexican Americans back to their Native lands during the great depression. The other was because mariuana/hemp can be used for hundreds of different things, anything from clothes, to building homes, to medicine. The prescription drug companies and oil companies new they couldnt put a pattent on a natural plant at the time, so they created the most ridiculous scheme ever, reefermadness. If you dont believe me look into the prescription drug known as Marinol, it is chemically the same THC. If marijuana had no medicinal benefits then why would drug companies create a drug that has the same exact molecular structure as THC?
  5. Sure people can be annoying high, plenty of people can be annoying drunk to, plent of people are annoying sober. To say that all pothead's are lazy is a pretty bold statement, it's like saying everyone who eat's at mc donalds is fat.
  6. Maybe you should stop looking through your window and take a look in the mirror. Just remember, nobody is perfect.
  7. I used to play alot of Tournament golf through high school and golf became more of a chore than a game, after high school i didnt golf for a good 2 year's because i was over it. Now i go out to play and relax, without all the pressure ive been playing better then ever. I do like to play for lunch/dinner from time to time though.
  8. I figure you say Amen to that because this is a golf forum and not a weed forum. To that i say save your Amen's for church.
  9. Watch alittle to much reefer madness? Lol man you should just relax and take a puff. There is nothing wrong with smoking the herb, as has been proven over the past 10 years that it has ton's of tremendous quality's. There is alot of sucessful people who smoke herb, IE Michael Phelps.
  10. Yep ive used it everyday for over 5 years. A weed Hangover does exist, it's not like an alcohol hangover which is what im assuming everyone is comparing it to. More or less if you smoke to much and everything is somewhat in a haze the next day.. This really only applys to people who rarely smoke though.
  11. Rarely, i dont really know the average, maybe 1 or 2 shots, other then that i just hit it straight and watch her go..
  12. Been playing off and on for 10 years and have never had one. Got within a foot once but that's it.
  13. I toke it up on the coarse evertime i golf, as long as no one is close enough to smell know one will know
  14. Haha trust me im def not getting it on the corner. I def get top shelf buds, my problem is i just smoke to much, ive blazed up 4-5 times a day for over the past 5 years, my tolerance is maxed..
  15. I got what your saying, everything is somewhat in a haze. To be honest i think it kinda depends on the person, because for me it's only helped my focus, it slows my thought process down allowing me to focus shot by shot and not hole by hole. Also like i said, if i hit a bad shot its whatever, i dont freak out and ruin the next couple holes because of it.
  16. Yeah no doubt!
  17. Hope all goes well, better take your time on this one, rather be safe then sorry. As of now ive been waiting for my c7 to fuse back together after i snapped it last may, still hasnt happened... I might be out another season unfortunately.
  18. That sucks man, if there is space ahead ill always let single's play through, i feel less rushed therefor playing better. For all those who say singles should be auto paired with people i disagree, with how expensive golf is i should be able to play by myself if i wish, and alot of times i do, it allows me to relax and clear my head. If the group in front of me doesnt offer to let me play through im fine with it, im never in a rush when im golfing. ill normally just sit back, drink my beer and take a few tokes.
  19. Lol, Unbecoming? I think they are being a little excessive. I can see it being a problem if they are chomping it down and spitting it out on the green and what not, but not by just chewing it.
  20. Well when i say weed hangover i kinda mean in a haze the next day, i remember feeling like that when i first started taking a couple tokes here and their. Also smoking a high grade of hash(concentrated trichomes from the marijuana plant for those who dont know) can def keep you high for a good 12 hours leaving a strange after glow.
  21. Yeah something like that i guess.. Probably a good thing i never picked up football haha. Ive done everything i can do at this point, time just really isnt healing it, i might look into getting surgery, if that happens chances are ill be out all season again. Thanks, keep your finger's crossed!
  22. Alright so last year early into my season(early May) i went to the coarse to shoot a bucket and hit a quick 9. While on the range i was practicing shot's with an 8 iron and on one of my follow through's i felt my spine crack all the way up. It was alittle uncomfortable but nothing big. So i stretched again, set up, and on the next swing i felt the same thing but this time alot of pressure sat in my neck... It wasnt more then 30 seconds after this that they announced me to the #1 tee. To be honest i didnt think twice about playing, i figured i had just pulled a muscle and all would be well... 40 stroke's later and i was done with my 9 holes and within 20 minutes of being done my neck and back stiffened to the point where i couldnt turn my head at all. The next day i went to the doctor's to have my spine X-rayed, sure enough i had broke my C-7, snapped it in half. Its been almost a year and my neck still hasnt healed, i have a big fear that i may have ruined golf forever, seeing as how April-October im at the coarse a good 4-5 times i dont know what im going to do with myself if it doesnt heal. Ive been an avid golfer for about 10 year's now, ive never had any problem with my swing hurting me. Has anyone else ever experienced something similar to this?
  23. How often do you smoke? I havnt had a weed hangover since highschool... Now i smoke and within an hour im completly sober. I do know that i used to golf horribly high, like you i would top it, hook, and over shoot the green's. Now i find that it calm's me down and helps to relax me, no more freaking out about a poorly hit shot.
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