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About Eloh

  • Birthday 11/30/1976

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  1. If we take off our HATER shirts we can say he is back regardless of the putting... In spite of the putting his score was allot lower than many Super Stars including the 3 day leader Mcilroy, Couples, Mickelson, Harrington, Westwood. And I am sure you would not say that these fine gentlemen are not "back". They are just extraordinary players who also happen to be human! I think we can look past some missed putts. Other people did win tournaments before his "slump" you know.
  2. Jason Day almost had it as well. Congrats to the winner but I really don't even know the guy. That being said, I think this was a very exciting Masters event! One of the best I have watched. Some what uneventful, though. The good news is Jason and Rory can certainly give the old guys the jitters and Tiger is back!
  3. They say when you are high everything becomes gets bigger and you can see the exact path that you ball is going to take into the hole...like it did for the Transformer boy that starred in the Greatest Game Evey Played. That's why Tiger used to be so good...his supplier was a close friend of his ex-wife and now he can't get the good shit anymore. He needs to spend more time in Colorado...it will heal all wounds.
  4. With the Bench Press, I would say that heavy weight is something you can only do 6-8 reps with or less. Around 10 is medium and 12 or more is light. I tend to do my 3 sets Flat, 3 Sets Incline, and another 3 Decline. But some times I do pyrimids on flat bench which turns out to be atleast 5 sets. Pyrimids involves heavy weight and medium weight so I don't suggest those for you situation. I suggest 10 reps or higher for your goals with golf. More than 3 sets may be neccessary for light weight.
  5. Don't listen to this guy he buys weed twice a month...and he breaks the sodomy law...and he drinks on Sundays.
  6. WOW!! This guy can be VP! Such passion! Chris...is that you?....calling out the daughter and the wife...it's gotta be you...LOL!! Where were this guy and Johnny when Cali had the opportunity to make this stuff legal...(LOL...not in Cali).
  7. Nope. Not saying any of that. Just saying that what ever clubs a person selects to play with they have to learn how to use it. No reason not to use a specific type of club just because a person is a beginner. In fact, IMO that's the best time to learn. Having the proper expectation about your beginner game, leads to less frustration, more fun, and the patients to learn the skill.
  8. I agree. Circuit training, boot camps, and complex exercises like squats, that work multiple body parts, will build your endurance, overall strength, balance, and mobility. But if you hit the weights stick with medium to light weight (don't got heavy), with high reps (10-12), slow and controlled. If you injure yourself in the gym guess how much that will effect your swing. Don't focus on the amount of weight, focus on the intensity of the effort.
  9. Use any wedge/club you can play with comfortably. Especially if you are a beginner. You are going to suck wether you have a wedge or not...lol. So you might as well get your wedge and learn how to play with it. I say beginners, like myself, need lob wedges. You try to chip that 56 5 feet away from the green and you'll fly right over the hole or the whole green...lol! Like me...because I am a beginner and I suck! So I got a nice little used Ping Eye 2 LOB and I have been practicing with it for a while...guess what, I'm still gonna suck. So to me you get what you want and practice using it...eventually you wont suck anymore.
  10. Just picked up a Ping Karsten 1959 Zing...havent played a round with it yet...been to the putting green once. Perviously played with an old Ray Cook Billy Baroo III. I like the feel of the metal face on the Zing...but starting to wonder if I should have gone for the slight edge in performance from an iN series putter. At the time, and still, I doubted that my putting game justified an extra $50 dollar expense. That's half the cost of my lessons...much better golfing ROI.
  11. So far...Fossile Trace in Colorado. Looking to play somthing nice late summer in Destin, FL.
  12. LOLOL!! That's (for lack of the ability to type a more accurate term) "messed" up! I'd like to see that played out on SNL.
  13. Johnny2balls for President!!!
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