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BugDude last won the day on September 3 2011

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  • Birthday 11/30/1967

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  1. BugDude


  2. Another fun part is when guys see your low wedge coming in hot and they think it's going to bounce off the green and then it checks up suddenly by the hole. You here a "ooohhhh, AHHHHHH!"
  3. You are correct, John Schneider's personal car was a replica that was built for him later (and much upgraded mechanically) and sold in 2008 for $450,000. Bubba's car was Lee1 which was in the original TV show, so it has historical provenance. It's surprising that an original TV car fully restored sold for so much less than the star's replica, but the amount of mechanical upgrades could account for a portion of the difference.
  4. To me it's not, and neither is the confederate flag. But for whatever the reason it is that people find one offensive I would think that same reason would apply to the other. Why remove part of the confederate symbolism and not the other? To me, leave the car alone. If he no longer thinks it represents his values he should sell it.
  5. My favorite shots in golf are low spinning wedge shots. I do the same thing on 95% of my chip shots just on a much smaller scale. In windy conditions, applying the same shot through your middle irons is very effective too. It's a great shot to have in your bag.
  6. He bought the car because of what it is and was. If he no longer has the same regard for it then why not just sell the car? He can change the flag on top but that's like putting a bandaid over a skin cancer. It still bears the name of the confederate general Robert E. Lee.
  7. This particular car was an original car from the TV show and was previously owned by John Schneider, who played Bo Duke on the show. Bubba paid $110,000 for it at auction and it was in mint condition when he bought it. He also had it autographed by Schneider. The fact that it was one of the actual TV star's person car and was used on the TV show gives it increased collector value and provenance due to the documented history. And people do occasionally drive collector's items, because they are cars. They are meant to be driven. The worst thing on a car is to sit and never be driven. The flag is most likely an automotive wrap grade vinyl application. Yes, it can be easily removed, replaced, etc. so no permanent disfigurement impacting relative value. The issue is he bought the car because of what it is, what it was on the show, and his affinity for it and how he feels compelled to change that. Well, that's his car and he is free to do with it what he wants but it's no longer what it was on the show. Is he going to change the name of the car too? I mean, to have "General Lee" on the top is also offensive to some. Even if you change the flag and the name everyone still knows what it was. So why not change the numbers on the side and paint the car black? But everyone associates 69 Dodge Chargers with The General Lee, so perhaps he should turn it into a pickup truck. If to a southern person the flag means "I'm from the south, we say yall and ma'am, drink sweet tea, and speak with a slow draw." Who is to say that someone else's assigned meaning is more important than the other person's? Inanimate objects aren't the cause of the real problems, and assigning various meanings to them or yanking them out of existence won't solve the real problems. Why people chose to put so much blame on an inanimate object rather than the crazed individual that committed the crime is beyond me.
  8. I'm working on switching back to an old set of clubs (Ram FX Pro Set forged combo irons) from a new set (Callaway Razr X HL irons and hybrids). The new clubs were left to me by my father-in-law when he passed and I really liked them at first. I got to the point I was nuking the new irons ridiculous distances and was needing to add several more wedges to gap shots inside of 130 yards. I also developed a pronounced hook from the offset. Switched back to my old set of irons and have much more consistent distances and gaps with no hook. I can control trajectory better too. I always end up back at these or my Golden Ram Tour Grind Frequency Matched irons.
  9. Anyone hitting a ball into you is obviously donating it to you so you should just pick it up and put it in your pocket. Keep doing that and they'll get tired of losing golf balls. If they want it back, tee it up and send it back to them with a golf club. In all seriousness, I simply call the clubhouse. If I'm on a course I'm not familiar with, the clubhouse phone number is usually on the score card. I've done that before and within a few minutes seen someone ride out on a cart and give them heck. Solved the problem. I had one run-in with 2 carts full of drunks who thought 4 guys with golf clubs in their hands against 1 guy (me) playing by myself was a fair fight...they found out soon enough that those were not good odds for them. Once I dispensed with the immediate situation I called the clubhouse (I was a member and these clowns were not) and they came out and escorted them to the parking lot...where a Sheriff's Deputy was waiting for them. I finished my round without incident. I addressed the issue at the next board meeting seeing as I was paying dues every month for a private club and they were letting more and more non-members play. I joined a private club to avoid people like that on the course. The practice was halted. It seems the guy working the pro shop was pocketing the money from non-members paying cash to play for the day. They also freed up his future.
  10. Seven Springs Golf Club, Trinity FL Black Tees, 6431 yards, rating 71.8, slope 127 I shot a +3, 75 today. +3 on the front (3 bogies) and - on the back (2 bogies, 2 birdies)
  11. Even par 72. Finished birdie, eagle (and lipped out for an eagle on the front nine for a tap in bird). It's a 6400 yard course with a rating of 69, but the greens are tiny.
  12. This is an old trick. TIGER started the rumor knowing full well it wasn't true. But then after it gets around, he'll say to her, "Hey, since we're being accused of it we might as well be doing it." Works every time.
  13. He's toast....skulling a 5 yard chips 20 yards over the green...repeatedly...
  14. In my mid and late 20s I was walking 36 every Saturday and 36 Every Sunday (on a short 9 hole course that was very hilly). Now in my late 40s...forgetaboutit. 3 rounds in a week would be about it for me now...and that's if I could spread it out and not play them back to back.
  15. Apparently rampant promiscuity is directly related to being able to activate your glutes at a moments notice. Time to head back to the Waffle House.
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