I voted
but I'd like to change my answer. I don't see gamesmanship as low-class except when you're trying to have a friendly round and you decide you have to beat your friends or playing partner to have fun.
You have to put on the heat sometimes, especially when you're playing for your school to win the league championships. But usually, I'm only worried about my own game and I actually try to block out my opponents or playing partners COMPLETELY.
Like the article said, its a double edged sword so if someone begins being a jerk for no good reason, they can guarantee I won't be giving them any 2 footers. When i'm playing for money or something with my friends, I usually just try and pressure them by taking everything very seriously instead of by saying anything that could get into their heads. Throwing off their focus doesn't feel as effective as REALLY putting the pressure on them over a putt that could potentially cost them their weeks allowance.