I am sure this is an old topic but I keep reading of foolish ides of how to get people to play golf. Bigger hole, less holes etc. This is where I see some of the problems
1) My wife and I love to play golf. Which means that every golf outing or trip costs me double. Recently looked at a "resort" in Florida.
Special package $587 per person for 2 rounds and stay. Waling, 80-100 dollars for caddy per bag. So....more than $1,300 for my
wife and I to play golf and a one night stay. It would have been easy to give discounts to couples in the past but now every two guys
will say they are a couple
2) Just got a golf catalog. $70 for a pair of shorts! $189 for a pair of shoes! (Personally I think that if I am going to promote a brand with a logo they should be significantly discounted). Why should I pay $20+ for a hat with a huge Titlest or Callaway logo. Maybe they should give them away.
3) Too expensive for kids to play and get good at it. If you play in a cheaper course it will be $30-40 a round. But....you need to practice and play at least once a week to be any good. Do they want spend the money and the time?? No
4) In the past club memberships were great. There was not much else to do in town and they had a great restaurant and a pool.
I belong to a club with a great restaurant. But.....there are lots of superb restaurants in town so I am forced to spend $800 a year in food so the clubs stays afloat. Am I better paying $50,000 to $150,000 to join a club and have to play their golf course forever.........................or am I better off playing different expensive $200 courses every week of the year ($10,400 per year)
for 10 years.
5) I do not believe in changing the game or the rules of the game but can't think of ways to improve interest
In the summer open until 9pm so kids can play after school or work?
Open ranges earlier?
Rent clubs a at very discounted rate?
Golf specials or packages for people less than 30? (I am sure older folks would object)