I think you and a lot if people are missing my point. I never said you have to be big to hit it far, ultimately clubhead speed is the biggest factor. But obviously being 6'4" with +1" long clubs is going to make my swing longer and using same relative effort produce more speed. You always hear about on the forums someone knowing some big rugby/football/ baseball etc player who can smash the ball. But that has little to do with scoring, obviously and that's why I can't think of one person on the PGA built like that. I mean they rave about how muscular and strong tiger and Gary woodland are, I've seen those guys up close at tournaments, I would say they are quick and flexible, but they both look like string beans to me ( which isn't a bad thing). There maybe a reason for that in being overly muscular might produce ( sometimes ) greater distance, but also may hinder ability to be consistent, or be able to be in a better impact position etc