I don't have a whole lot of problem so far with the Selection Committee's Top 25 but some of the choices and specifically some of the things they say to explain it are somewhere between humorous and eyebrow raising.
To admittedly give Oregon a break because they had an injury to their left tackle tops the list. As if no other football team in the country has had injuries.
To get themselves in a position where both Baylor and TCU could win out and Baylor be the conference champion because of head to head play yet be ranked lower.
They are either going to have to do some serious leap-frogging or throw their own stated criteria of weight for conference winners and head to head matchups in the trash can.
To talk about scheduling quality out of conference teams, use the lack of that against Baylor, and then not give FSU any credit for scheduling Oklahoma State, Notre Dame and Florida as out of conference games. Those teams may not have turned out as good as would be expected but that's certainly not FSU's fault and they certainly aren't Chattanooga, UT Martin, or Georgia Southern either.
To give TCU all kinds of credit for scheduling Minnesota.
Really? They are number 25 right now and will probably lose the rest of their games.