What does income have to do with race? It has absolutely nothing to do with it, period.
Let me tell you my story. I'm white. My mom and dad are both white. My dad was a blue collar worker before he retired. He made a good living, but we never had luxuries.
I made good grades in high school and was fortunate enough to be accepted to a good college. Unfortunately I could not get a scholarship. Were my grades bad? No, but my dad made “too much” money for me to get any scholarships. But the black kids who had worse grades than I did got scholarships aplenty. As a matter of fact, they had everything paid for. Me, well, my mom’s job helped pay for my college.
What about the black kid in my high school class? Well, his parents made much more than my parents did. How do I know? Well, he drove a much more expensive car, he wore much more expensive clothes, and they lived in a very, very nice neighborhood in my town. If they didn’t make more than my family then I’d love to know their secret! I’m pretty sure I’m right.
So, fast forward…..The black kid got scholarships to exclusive colleges. His grades were below mine, yet his parents made more than mine. He had full rides, and I didn’t get crap despite trying very hard to get anything. I was told more than once that my parents made “too much” money. That didn’t stop me.
Today, my black classmate is well off. Me, well, I’m doing fine, and I play golf at good courses. As a kid, however, I played at crap courses because I couldn't afford it. My black classmate had many more advantages than I did. Hell, I had to fight just to graduate college due to finances. In the end, I graduated, with honors. Blood, sweat and tears baby!!!! Oh, and no excuses.
Bottom line is that I’m sick of hearing the race card being played. That’s just a big fat excuse. It’s America, so stop whining. Many blacks have broken out of the hood, so it can be done. Again, stop whining.
Why aren’t there more blacks that are successful on tour? Because there aren’t enough blacks that WANT to be successful. It’s not discrimination. Think I’m wrong? Well, tell me just HOW blacks are discriminated against in golf. Seriously, if someone out there is making sure blacks cannot play or succeed, give me the proof. Tiger is playing and succeeding, so that argument is null and void.
Tiger wanted it, and he made it happen. Other blacks don’t want it bad enough. Is that wrong? No, they just want something else.