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  1. Iacas did you think it was as good as advertised? Did you stay over night? Is it conducive to hanging out in the evening with your own beverages or is it pretty standard to buy drinks at the bar? Just curious about bringing your own bottles of wine, beer, and to hear other's experiences. It's going to be a 3 night trip and alcohol adds up.
  2. Continue to let the game evolve. Distance is fun, not the determining factor in a golf match though. I have lost to guys that have been 60 yards behind me off the tee.
  3. I'm planning a golf trip to Streamsong in March. I have a few questions, hoping you can help me out... Did you bring your own alcohol? Basically did you or could you bring your own drinks and hang out with your friends without having to spend a ton at the bars? Did you bring any of your own food or is the only way to eat through the restaurants and bars? Do you recommend walking or riding? any additional info is greatly appreciated as well. I'm sure there are things I'm missing.
  4. @daa averageing 300 is 20 yards better than pga average. Very impressive.
  5. I have a 109mph swing. But carry is only 230-240ish. I know I can get a better carry and drive with this swing speed. How do you launch the ball. I know my issue is that I drag the handle way in front of the ball at impact. How can I get the club to release properly and not deloft so much?
  6. It sounds like you are just getting tired, lazy, or trying to much. After those first 30 or so good shots call it a day, practice some chipping than some putting. Your legs or arms might be getting tired and that's screwing up your normal swing, than you start thinking about the swing too much and before you know it you're not swinging your swing. next time just hit the small bucket nice and fresh. See how that goes.. and the hips forward video is the best. I warm up with that drill whenever I play now.
  7. You're a non-golfer if If you use the phrase "I haven't used my mulligan"
  8. If your cell phone is clipped to your belt during play you're a non-golfer
  9. [quote name="imsys0042" url="/t/77158/country-club-culture#post_1054563"] I would lose the initiation fee. However I get a credit at another affiliated club for an initiation fee. I got in when they were hurting so it's a lot lower than it normally would be. I have an issue where most courses around here won't take time as a single and my work schedule gives me flexibility to do once per week I'm the morning. I would lose that ability if I left. My plan B is a place that is a little further drive for about the same money, but less amenities for the family. Although I don't think she cares much. We've had to pull our three year old girls out of the pool there because other kids are too rough, or hit them by throwing balls, and the pool manager and lifeguards don't do anything. The food also has declined so we don't eat there anymore. Funny random story from 2 weeks ago. I pull up to the driving range and some guy is yelling. Thinking he was calling over to someone I didn't notice until I heard "you jog here all the time! I hope you get hit by a car'". He was yelling at a jogger running down the street. It's a public street. Weird people.[/quote] As Colin cowherd would say, "this is a you problem". Really maybe you need to lighten up, do your kids play sports and not keep score? Just saying..lol
  10. I wanted to play something different than a prov1. I tried sr, and vstar. I didn't like sr but liked the vstar. So I'd put a couple vstar and couple prov in bag. to compare them both I would alternate whenever I lost 1. I would keep track of how many holes I'd have the same ball for and how I would score. I found I had a more predictable flight with prov which lead to more chances at birdie. Was my score score drastically different? No, but I found I was in better positin to go after a birdie when I used the prov over the vstar or any other ball. II really wanted to like the vstar, I liked its feel off irons, I liked it stopping power. But inside 150yrds I had more confidence striking the prov. the flight is something I'm very comfortable with. maybe it's just a mental thing but so is 60% of golf. :-\
  11. 910 & 913 is the same
  12. To get better i feel like you need a high shot that can land near flag and hold. Not a low shot that rolls off. The low shot is only desirable when needed. For a stock shot I would much prefer a rising approach that holds my target. I have developed the high shot from the drill video above.
  13. So glad there's a website like this. That video saved me so much aggravation and money, 5 days of practicing that move from the hips video and I'm playing best golf ever. 3 birdies and an eagle Sunday. I had so much control fades and draws at will. Putting and a few bad t shots kept me from breaking 80 had 3 - 3 putts. Shot 80. That hips forward drill even works dry just practicing in the living room getting yelled at by the wife. If only I could practice hips forward with her :-P
  14. Tom Watson did not win so what is the wake up call you want sent? What's impressive is these guys can bash the ball and still be competitive in all other aspects of the game. The remax competitors just bash the ball. These tour players you're hating on have the athleticism to hit a drive 340 and still have enough touch inside 100 yards to finish top 10 in a major. Rory bombs the ball and won. Are you saying he wasn't "playing golf"? Do you also think the NFL should take out the long bomb and go back to almost entirely run plays. Since that's the original "playing football". Maybe the pga should reconsider the courses they choose and start holding more pitch and putt tournaments to see who the true golf players are.
  15. That drill is great. Irons were great today, got a very good feel for impact frm it.. Now if I can just hit driver. The problem with low flight is they don't stick well with long irons.
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