I am not at all advocating what these gentleman were do as right, but when is it time lower handicappers started helping others. I am in no way saying that some don't help but in my experience by in large most wait with their arms crossed staring you down with body language stating " you need to get out of my way" or as even in another post on this message board hit into the group in front of them (I am not saying you are one of these guys). I am fairly new to golf and have had to learn as I go and due to some helpful people and this message board have learned for the most part what is right and wrong. Maybe those gentlemen were out there for their first time and really knew no better, and by chance your body language was showing your frustration, causing them to "talk s**t" in their native tongue as you put it.In what is supposed to be a gentlemens game, it just seems to me that most serious golfers dont take into account that not everybody playing have been taught the rules and ettiquite of golf, and instead of being polite and asking to play through, or teaching them, just give off an attitude of disgust. Golf is frustrating enough when you are learning to play and add into that equation a more experienced golfer breathing down your neck and you will just become more frustrated and likely become pissed off. Just remember at one time you too were just learning the game and most likely did similar things on the golf course so maybe next time try to be more of gentleman and politely ask to play with them or play through. Your actions could mean the difference of what these guys pass on as accetable in this sport to others. This was in no means trying to put you down DJYoshi, maybe just another pespective on what those guys may have been feeling. Best Regards.