I am a 62-yo high-handicapper with some physical issues with my hips that have negatively impacted my swing. I have been taking lessons off and on for about three years with a pretty well-respected teacher in my area. (Coaches a college golf team, once made a Golf Digest list of instructors, etc.) In full disclosure, I have not had more than a couple of lessons in the past year. When I have had lessons, he has focused almost exclusively on my weight shift (or lack thereof) -- starting the downswing with the lower body and finishing facing the target. He hasn't had anything to say about setup, grip, tempo and not much to say about takeaway or back swing. My swing has gotten pretty sour over the last month or so and I need a lesson. But I feel like I already know what he is going to say. I kind of feel like his teaching hasn't really sunk in and led to real changes in muscle memory. And maybe that's me, and I just need to put in more time at the practice tee and work harder at it. When should one consider changing teachers, vs. just working harder to be a better student?