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JGus last won the day on May 8 2017

JGus had the most liked content!

About JGus

Personal Information

  • Member Title
    Wedge Hacker
  • Your Location

Your Golf Game

  • Index: 8.7
  • Plays: Righty

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JGus's Achievements

Dedicated Member

Dedicated Member (5/9)

  • 1st Reaction Given
  • 1st Reaction Received
  • 1st Topic
  • 72nd Topic Rare
  • 1st Post

Recent Badges



JGus's Awards

No Sixes Challenge

Awarded , by iacas

Congratulations on completing the no-sixes (or higher) challenge!

No Sixes Challenge

Awarded , by iacas

Congratulations on completing the no-sixes (or higher) challenge!

No Sixes Challenge

Awarded , by iacas

Congratulations on completing the no-sixes (or higher) challenge!

COVID-19 30-Day Challenge

Awarded , by JGus

Participated and completed the COVID-19 30-Day Challenge.

Looked forward to these all month and hope to continue working on the drills that have helped me the most.

COVID-19 30-Day Challenge

Awarded , by JGus

Participated and completed the COVID-19 30-Day Challenge.

Looked forward to these all month and hope to continue working on the drills that have helped me the most.

COVID-19 30-Day Challenge

Awarded , by JGus

Participated and completed the COVID-19 30-Day Challenge.

Looked forward to these all month and hope to continue working on the drills that have helped me the most.

TST Outing Participant

Awarded , by iacas

Thank you for participating in the TST East Coast Outing at Stoneleigh on May 5-7, 2017!

TST Outing Participant

Awarded , by iacas

Thank you for participating in the TST East Coast Outing at Stoneleigh on May 5-7, 2017!

TST Outing Participant

Awarded , by iacas

Thank you for participating in the TST East Coast Outing at Stoneleigh on May 5-7, 2017!


Awarded , by iacas

Congratulations on your many eagles (even if most have come on the same hole… :-D)!


Awarded , by iacas

Congratulations on your many eagles (even if most have come on the same hole… :-D)!


Awarded , by iacas

Congratulations on your many eagles (even if most have come on the same hole… :-D)!

Broke 80

Awarded , by iacas

Congratulations on breaking 80! Next up… breaking par!

Broke 80

Awarded , by iacas

Congratulations on breaking 80! Next up… breaking par!

Broke 80

Awarded , by iacas

Congratulations on breaking 80! Next up… breaking par!

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