Hi: just to validate what everyone else has suggested.... club up and keep club face square to target. So, a 50 yard bunker shot would be fine with either a wedge or 9 iron. ONE CAVEAT though.... texture of the sand counts!!!
If you are in soft, baby powder like sand I would club up one more time and hit an eight iron still square to target (do not lay open to increase loft), if you are in compact sand, or more granular sand (that is not soft and fluffy) then stick with the wedge or 9 iron for 50 yards.
Also, do not dig your feet in as if you are in a greenside bunker....try to keep your feet on the same plane as the ball and aim 1-2 inches behind to make the appropriate contact with the sand to have it push the ball out.
Another option to consider, and one that I am most comfortable with in compact/granular sand (and everyone is different with their comfort zones depending on what shots/techniques you practice) is that I grab my 54* Volkey, play the ball in the back of my stance, clubface square to the target, I do not dig in with my feet, choke up an inch and play it as a punch shot/pitch making sure my hands are in front of the ball at impact. I'll take the club only to aproximately 10 o'clock on my swing. I like this shot because it flies like a punch but has much more spin and stops on a dime. Wherever I throw it it sticks.
Lastly, committ to your shot - whatever you decide. Do not second guess yourself on any shot because it defeats the purpose of the technique or swing you are about to put on the ball. There is nothing more aggravating, i think, than reflecting on messing up a shot because you either slowed up through the impact area or trying to inhibit the flow of your swing by trying to control it. I would rather mess up a shot with full commitment, than mess it up by not executing - not that I expect to mess it up but I hate feeling like a moron not doing what I know I should do.... you know what I mean.
Oh yes, don't forget.... practice. Thanks.