Yeah I'll post the articles - all three are pretty basic as the paper I write for just isn't that "deep."
Doing one on Curtis' low-key demeaner, Phil's emotional return and the tournament overview.
Again, the paper I work for is very small, so I wasn't granted an "inside the ropes" access pass or anything like that. All I got into was the leader's press conferences. I saw Paddy three times and Tiger once.
Harrington is really able to let what happens on the golf course stay on the golf course. As soon as he comes in to the media center, it's like it happened ten years ago. Even on Sunday he seemed to have no contempt for what had happened.
Tiger reeks of arrogance, but I'm not saying that negatively - he has earned that right.
One thing I want to point out - for those who haven't seen the whole interviews, Paddy said that if he hadn't been put on the clock, he still would have approached his fourth shot the same way. He said he never considered chipping out, he had to go for it.
Tiger was asked point blank by a writer who I wasn't familar with, "Tiger, did you win because you hit a great shot on 16; or did you win because Paddy was put on the clock."
Tiger said, "both."
That was quite powerful - Tiger repeatedly said John reuined a great battle. He seemed quite upset with it.
By the way - this is what I don't want to become. We're all in the room waiting for Tiger, the press official is holding the door open. She stands there for 3-4 minutes, then says, "Oh, he's talking to his kids just one moment."
A writer on the other side of the room goes, "Geeze, these guys just don't respect our time. They get paid all these millions and they can't value our time."
Are you kidding me? That's pathetic.
But, it was such a fantastic week all in all. This being Ohio, the weather couldn't hold up all week - but oh well.