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About JuddMack

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  • Your Location
    Oxfordshire, England.

Your Golf Game

  • Index: 28
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. JuddMack


  2. As a beginner, I know that I have to play to the biggest target I have. I try to play conservative to give myself the best, worst case for my next shot.
  3. I'd like to give it a go. I've recently moved and have no gym membership here yet. All the local gyms are about £40-50 per month and I can't currently justify that. At the moment I'm making do with my own smaller weights and the GSP Rushfit series. It's okay but I wish I had the heavier weights for 5x5 as it offers benefits you can't get with small weights.
  4. Do you follow 5x5 stronglifts? http://stronglifts.com/5x5/ I've heard good things about it.
  5. Nice, I drive a WV Polo. It's bigger than a smart car but my woods still have to come out of the bag and sit across my back seats.
  6. I think he's great fun to watch and even non golf fans get behind him when he's on.
  7. A few years old but over the last year I can't get enough of Drakes album - Take Care. Also really like Frank Oceans album - Channel Orange. More recently, I think the 1975 album - The 1975.
  8. I'm a football (soccer) fan and support Newcastle United. I also follow the NBA fairly closely and most regularly watch the Orlando Magic and LA Clippers.
  9. Hi everyone, My name's Eddie and I'm from Oxfordshire, England. I'm 24 and looking to follow in my Grandad's footsteps to become a decent golfer. I've only ever played a few pitch-and-put courses and a little in the driving range. As an absolute beginner I have some lessons booked and once they're done, I intend to keep practising, playing and start a 'my swing' thread here. I'm hoping this forum will give me the motivation and greatly needed advice to improve at this great sport! It seems there are some great threads here and some really helpful and knowledgable regular users too! Finally, I must commend the forum for a search function that works really, really well! I've found a thread on just about everything I've searched!
  10. Hey, I'm a technical support engineer for a company in the UK called Focusrite. We make music recording products. I'm also trying to learn web design with a view to making a career of that. Seems I'll fit in well with all the members with careers in IT/computing.
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