Today I asked my friend to video tape my swing. I have always had a bad habit of bringing my club inside on my upswing and then hooking it up and around on my downswing. I don't have any past videos of it although hopefully that explains it enough. I've been playing since i was like 10 years old so I guess it's just something I have obviously been able to get my own adaptation to and play decent enough with.
I tried to make my swing plane more even and here are two videos of this. I'm tryin'. Sorry I couldn't get a front view, but this is a start... Personally I like the second swing more, it looks better to me and has a more consistent plane. Also, I feel like I don't keep my arms even with my body on these swings. I don't know, first time I've ever seen my swing(s)
This first video I feel as if I bring the club back in a more straight manner, at I think so.
This second video I come in more but I feel as if I am more on a plane. Both of these swings are very new to me so any criticism of whichever one you feel is better will be appreciated. Thanks!