I walked 36 holes in 5 hours today. The course was pretty empty otherwise there would have been a lot of "slow" players out there. I didn't do the slow down on putts and approaches thing that I did last time out. Putting was fine but approaches were kind of streaky. I think shots into the green is where I need to slow down my game and think about what I am doing. Putting and hitting driver off the tee I think I need to keep it simple and just do it. Thinking too much gets me in trouble, especially with the driver. I have finally changed my swing at least with the driver. I just take one slowed down practice swing to make sure I am using my new swing and not my old swing and then I hit it. Putting I think I holed one putt outside of 10 feet today so just lag it up close and tap it in unless I hit an approach or chip between 5 and 10 feet, then take a little time to read it. Hopefully I'll get better with practice outside of my rounds and eventually need to put more effort into putts in the 10 to 20 foot range.
But approaches are where I can really gain or lose strokes right now. Being on the green is a huge advantage because those are almost always 2 putts at worse. If I'm off the green there's probably a 70/30 chance of 2 putt to 1 putt, so more than likely it's an extra stroke for every green I miss, and I pretty much need to hit my approach to inside of 10 feet to have a chance at birdie. So that's where I need to spend a couple moments judging if I am correctly aimed at my target, if I need to run it onto the green or get it there in the air, if I'm better off short or long, etc.
Pitching/chipping fits in with putting and driving. I'm at such a low skill level with those right now that too much thinking does my head in and I hit some terrible shot. I definitely need to put in some practice with my short game, been neglecting it big time.