Having been through the Ping process 4 times over 10 years, the process has changed as technology has changed. Only recently have they integrated the launch monitor, and at $80K a pop, I'm sure they only have a few in the field making the rounds. I have no doubt that Ping has the ability to measure clubs loft and lie electronically, but not sure if they do that in the field. When they fit you, they have you hitting their clubs, clubs they already know the specs for. They may have you hit your existing clubs to observe flight characteristics and measure launch angle and spin rates (performance characteristics), but that's to establish a basis for comparison I think. After all, it matters less what a club actually measures statically than how it performs dynamically. I believe it is quite possible, for instance, to have clubs from different manufacturers with identical static specs that perform very differently. I really enjoyed having access to that launch monitor. I was able to see the actual moment of impact on a laptop much like watching the high-def slow-mo Swingvision stuff you see on TV. No Peter Kostis available for commentary, though, which was probably a good thing in my case.