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Everything posted by jcjim
It is illegal to copy from the web since the law passed in 4/1989. Any forum that supplies avatars and other things copied or people copying from the web and posting it in full is breaking the law.
No it's someone here that inserted kissinger picture before I had a avatar. kissinger picture only belongs on my tissue paper' No I have the Smith&Wesson; Model 41 and the scope that I'm deadly accurate with since I compete around the country. Oh by the way any avatars supplied by this forum taken from the web are illegal as of 4/1989.
If you had a chance to play for free, for the rest of your life, what course would that be and why
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Does this forum allow copy righted material to be posted by members or just supply a URL Last I knew it was illegal to do so.
So I read your BANNING PEOPLE THAT DISAGREE. Does it answer the question "what if you get MANY threads that Attack the poster because they just don't like what he's saying. Does the poster have the right to defend what he's saying or do others have more of a right to attack with threads that have absolutely nothing to do with the thread posted and are simply personal attacks
Here we have a self professed rich guy trying to justify that the rich pay more than their fair share....Warren Buffett doesn't even believe that. GE paid no federal taxes and made billions and the IRS SENT THEM A CHECK FOR 5 BILLION DOLLARS is that the "WIGGLE ROOM YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT? There's probably many here that will believe your story based on the threads I've read in the world of 100 watt light bulbs lots of 10 watters But you just keep tellin you're story even if it's science fiction.
You seem like a guy that enjoys one thing.. I get this image of you sitting in the corner of a dark basement typing with your left hand and ----------with your right nono you know what your mom told you......Smart a$$ remarks get one back kennie
They just delete your posts whenever they like.
Ask if I care...Looks like your just trying to get to 10,000 posts no matter what you post
You bitch at me for posting something fro 2013 and the you post pages of text fro 2010 and other years. Just for clarification did you have permission to copy those pages and does this forum allow posts that are copy righted? 1.Cancel all loop hole for corporations and the rich.VERY BIG 2.Print new money and cancel the value of any old money outside the USA unless it is returned to USA by a certain date. 3Tax all imports at the rate the importing country taxes our imports. 4 Remove all US troops from foreign countries. 5.Stop all payments to foreign countries. 6.Make all countries defend themselves or PAY for US defense 7.Charge corporations for security in foreign countries. 8,Tax Wall Street for all trades, (all the other countries do) THIS IS A BIG ONE 9.Pass laws that separate banks, investment firms, brokerages and insurance co.neither can be in the other businesses 10 Limit a corporation value at 10 billion dollars. if they want to get bigger open another corp. 11.Inforce monopoly laws 12 Any corporations that employ aliens will be fined $50.000 per alien first offence second offence jail term and fine. 13 Jail only murders and a few other bad guys. and pay Mexico etc. to house them in jails. 14 Make health care a non- profit and single payer 15 All education is free. no one can charge. There are many many more but I'll end here for now. You want a fair country this a start but just a start Sorry I don't want to answer single posts because there to many silly ones. and ones that just try to prove me wrong.
It's a matter of public information. I have no idea where I learned it but I never repeat something that that isn't from a trusted source and is verified. Why would you wonder it's just a statement. All TV is manipulated by big corporations.
Oh I try to understand these quoting deals. Do you know anything about credit default swaps and derivatives I think not, then it's a waste of time discussing anything about the bush 2008 crash. But there's no doubt that's what happened and IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN because the stupid democrats did nothing to change the laws allowing banks, brokerage firms and insurance companies from designing new instruments that sidestep all laws. The next may be the last. For your info the homes/ properties foreclosed on in the crash. were 95%+ homes/ properties that had mortgages that were written between 2003-2006 Bush years nothing in Clintons. Bush passed new standards that started all this. There's no question that the crash was planned for at least 6/7 years prior. I will say for the last time I'm neither Dem. or Rep. I'm totally independent. if the things that I talk about sound to be liberal to you it just happens to be what has happened. If you want me to trash Bill Clinton there's more than ample including NAFTA and GAT that single handed put the nails in the coffin of the American worker. I simply call a spade a spade where the cards fall for blame. I get no info from TV either. I'm not able to discuss all that is wrong. it's far to complicated to explain on a forum. So anything that you have interest in you'll have to do the leg work. I've spent almost 40 years involved in US politics I simple can say that the powers are 5 steps ahead of everyone else and they have laws implemented years before to do the things they do. And believe me it's all against the citizens of this country. With the 2008 crash they now believe that they are free from any harm whatever they do because no one got touched for the trillions they stole.As I said the next one may drag the world under. Your post was honest so I will treat your future ones differently.
What you carrying this guys water? I stand on what I say period
So you say you can't be a introvert and be slighted by friends but you can be a extrovert and still not trust people hum. I think you have a problem thinking things out. I really have no interest in what else you have to say about this.
I agree that they need to start over .But do you really think the B/M and corps. will get anything different than they have now, no they want more in fact they want everything and won't be happy until they have everything everyone has.. The people understand the system, the system in which they pay more than 50% of what they earn in all the taxes they pay and the rich pay squat.
Name the last legislation that was passed for people. They don'i do anything for people they just pass laws against people and for the rich I agree with you on flat tax but do you really believe corporations will not have a looonnnggg list of ways to get out of it. no the only people that will get stuck with it is the 90+% that pay their taxes. Which ones to itemize? Sorry there's over 10,000 pages of them you don't have the room here. but if you REALLY want to know the IRS has all of them for you to read.. You're repeating yourself. The wealthy/ corporations should pay exactly what the middle class pays no less. They owe trillions.. In fact it's been estimated that there's 25 trillion dollars offshore that the rich/corporations have hidden and won't bring back until Wall Street trashes this country and they can buy up everything for pennies. You had better be carefull where your money is cuz it.s coming Tell me the people that don't have responsibility for their lives?
Because it's the tax code insures that these millionaires/billionaires and corporations don't pay the taxes they should, that's why we have a 14 trillion dollar debt. Social welfare is nothing compared to the trillions given through loop holes to the rich and corps. Yes tax the b/m and corps based on no loop holes. What is your massive regulation reform? First you need to get the taxes from the corporations and multi millionaires.billionaires that aren't paying it. Then there will be methods to make things right and have a society that everyone can be part of..and one that takes care of the old/ and hungry. You don't have that now with the few getting everything and the rest fighting for the bones left.
Everything I say has logic. Extremists are nut jobs there's nothing else they can be. It looks like trying to make something creditable to you requires a stretch of the truth' See you said it yourself, you are a extremist. You call me a hypocrite. I'm for people , if you like being for corporations then fine be what you want but billionaires and corporations don't need your help but the people, the ones that you are NOT for need some of that help.
If you believe your descent angle is to steep lower your hands at set up. and see if you get a change in steepness. Fades equal a club path that's slightly across the line from fight to left. Draws equal a club path that's slightly across the line from inside to out. By moving back you are swinging a bit more around your body and less up and down, which gives you a bid more down the line swing favoring the in to out swing path. If you keep hitting what you want you may have found the correct setup.
You know with your height you very well may need longer clubs [ that's if they are not longer already ] Your arms should be hanging directly below your shoulders, [ try not to reach for the ball ] perpendicular to the ground. Your shaft should about 45 degrees to your arms give or take a bit. You should have about 30 degree bend at the waste approx... The above is in a correct setup, in this setup you can determine if you club is at the right length for you or not. plus you need to look at whether your clubs have the correct lie angle.
Offset in irons help or hindrance to your game?
jcjim replied to Mike Boatright's topic in Instruction and Playing Tips
If you're in the woods off the tee regularly and three putt much of the time, I be willing to bet you won't even make it to bogey golf. -
Oh how predictable some are when they have nothing to say. The left wing nut cases are at lease for people The right wing nut cases are for getting rid of people pathetic but true
Many that keep supporting the idea that the rich pay everything need to look at the tax code. It's over 10,400 pages long. The first few hundred pages are where the vast majority of people filing taxes need to look. The last 10,000+ pages are the millions of loop holes built into the tax code for the mega rich and the corporations. It's easy to pay taxes when you have earned 100's if not 1000's times more than the rest of the citizens do. In fact that's what everything is built around, the tax code is really for the rich to stay ahead and keep adding to their net worth while everyone else never can get ahead. If you set up a system that the top few percent of citizens are wildly successful and the 90+% have just about enough to get by you have the USA. That's partially true more and more here aren't getting by that's why 20% of children are underfed/ malnourished and hungry. That's why the elderly are in trouble also. You have certain groups in this country that want people that can't afford health care to simply die. Income in this country has not increased [ it's been dead flat for 90+% of us] since the reagan years because he's the one that started all this, The top earners have increased their net worth a whopping 400% while everyone else never gets ahead and if the truth were known everyone's falling behind.
Thank you I am [ a real piece of work as you say ]...I can't quite remember, were you not professing to be a hula hoop salesman, I don't know maybe I have the wrong guy. You say you're in finance, I find that remarkable based on your threads I can't be questioned because I'm always right.
I had a squirrel that had nutty feelings. He was just to squirrely to have around.