I purchased the stack and tilt DVD from Medicus a while back and returned it without a problem. Fast forward to earlier this year when I purchase an e-book from them for $1. I did my research and was sure that $1 did not come with any catch. So I get the e-book and moved on with my life. Out of no where I received a welcome package from Golf Essentials. At first glance I didn't think much of it. But as I read through the welcome letter, it mentioned that I would be charged a monthly fee after 30 days. I immediately called Golf Essentials and cancelled my membership. I went online and Googled them and sure enough, they're linked to Medicus Golf. I was disappointed, but mostly in myself because I really thought I did my homework. Fool me once Medicus, shame on me. You'll never get another dime from me that's for sure. You and Warrior Custom Golf can do us all a big favor and close shop.