lol me to, I want a good looking swing almost as much as I want an effective one !
I have watched my swing so much that I have lost a sense of how it looks to others, does a slow mo swing look unpleasant, I must admit I dont like the look of Ryan Moore or Hideki's golf swing (two players who I think have relatively slow swings) but I think this is for other reasons (very steep swing of ryan moore and pause at top for Hideki) .
I dont find a slow swing feels strange as it is what I use when I practice at home (normally because I have to be careful of avoiding the lamp shades ;). I do find it very difficult to pause at the top and I dont think this is something I do in my swing, although I can do this in practice swings, on the course it feels weird - like I lose momentum.
I am going up the range tonight to work on two things, firstly I want to remove the forward head movement I get on my backswing ( i only noticed this when I uploaded the video) Im thinking this cant be good for consistency, and increasing the lag, I'll post a video of the results tonight :)