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Everything posted by timastyle

  1. You're right in that the shaft was purchased used as a one time pull but grand new. Seller stated that it was pulled from a Ping i20 driver that played to 45.25" in lenth. I'm just not sure how it compares to my driver.
  2. As stated, I just purchased a 43" Project X 6.0 driver (grip to tip). I probably should have done this before I bought the shaft, but any idea what length my TEE CB3 driver will play to with this shaft length? I'm hoping around 44.5" to 45". Any help wiill be appreciated. Also, any thoughts on the shaft itself is welcome. Thanks, Tony
  3. Do you mean 5 o'clock? The way I've thought of toe hang is a face balanced putter is 3 o'clock and a full toe hang being 6 o'clock. I can't imagine a putterhead going past 6 o'clock.
  4. Does anyone know what the toe hang is on this putter? I have searched online but have had no luck finding out. Your help is appreciated!
  5. I think I am "hitting" too, but as Iacas said, that's not what my issue is. My right side overpowers my left side giving me issues with getting onto my left side and keeping the proper angles. My misses are generally fat and thin shots caused by keeping my weight on the right side and flipping, because my right arm/wrist takes over.
  6. So I've been noticing more and more lately that the right side of my body is basically completely taking over my downswing causing some erratic shots. It's getting very frustrating. I was wondering what one can do to remedy this. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  7. Dan - What's different from the DVD's vs. the book? I looked up the link you posted and it's $500 for the DVD's. How did you manage to get your at $258? If you have the book, are the DVD's worth it in your opinion? Tony
  8. Yes, I was referring to Bruce. He's only asked me step one of his process, so I can't come to a conclusion as to whether or not he's against having the eyes over the ball at address. He actually sent me 3 images and asked which I was more like and stated "keep in mind neither one is incorrect". The figures he sent had one with the eyes inside the line of the ball, another on line with the ball, and the last one over the line of the ball. Can I ask another question? In your OP, you stated that 85% of her putts are straight and online with the putter she has with her misses being 15%. I personally think that those stats are pretty good. I don't even want to know how often I'm offline. Have you had her try and choke down on her putter a little bit and stand closer to see what type of stats she will have then? Just a thought...
  9. Hi Dan, I have hooked up with a putting fitter on another site and he is helping me with an online fitting with a series of questions, but one thing he mentioned in one of his emails is that in doing his putting fittings, he's found that over 60% of the people have not had their eyes directly over the ball in order to properly line up their putts straight. If you would like to get in touch with him, PM me and I can give you more information about him. Also, in Stan Utley's Art of Putting book, he says (I've also heard other instructors say this as well) is that the eyes should be slightly inside of the the ball. A drill to check this is to take your normal address stance and drop a ball from the bridge of your nose. The ball should land about an inch or so inside and behind the ball, so your wife may not be TOO bad in her setup.
  10. So I started reading the book a couple weeks ago and got my first chance to go to the range yesterday. The range session wasn't good in itself, but afterwards, I thought I'd go to the bunker and try the chipping drill he recommended (draw a line in the sand as if it was the ball and chip while taking sand out after the line). Well I started doing this and I most of my chips (without a ball of course) were after the line indicating a forward bottom swing. I was very pleased with that as I probably did about 40 swings that way. What I also noticed was that in order to keep my left wrist flat, I was having to have a very slight cock in my wrist on the backswing, and it was my right "trigger finger" as he calls it applying the pressure on the downswing. Does this sound right to you guys? I wasn't doing the whole aiming point thing because I don't completely understand it to be honest. Thanks!
  11. I bought the book last week and read some of it. Liking it so far, but haven't had a chance to try out his stuff yet. Makes a lot of sense though.
  12. I have a 2.6 and love it. The feel and weight are excellent and if you're patient, you can find a good deal on ebay. As far as it getting stolen, that's why I just put a different headcover on it. That silver headcover is screaming for attention... Never tried that specific Rife, but have tried others and the feel just isn't there for me. It's all a personal preference though.
  13. So I decided to do a little more research after you posted this and I was looking at the specs for the Precept Tour Premium CB irons I'm gaming right now and here they are: Iron 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PW Loft(°) 18 20 23 27 31 35 36 43 47 Lie(°) 59.9 60.5 61.5 62.5 63 63.5 64 64.5 64.5 Length(")1 39.25 38.75 38.25 37.75 37.25 36.75 36.25 35.75 35.5 Offset(mm) 5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4 4 4 Swingweight D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 There is a full degree difference between the 3, 4 and 5 irons in this set while other club manufacturers have only half a degree. Wouldn't that change things or it is still a relationship between the length and lie?
  14. Thanks for the clarification!!!
  15. Hi Guys. I don't mean to thread jack, but I figure eats better to post on a similar topic rather than start a new one and my question may help out the OP as well. I am wanting to get fitted for my irons. My question is this...I've seen people getting fitted at Golfsmith before (including myself) and they only have you hitting one iron (6i for most manufacturers as that's what they have on their demo and 7i for ping). Well when I was getting fitted over a year ago, I was told that the Callaway X-22 Tour irons in standard L/L/L would be for me and when I tried Ping S57 irons, they were to be a degree or two upright (can't remember exactly and this was before I found out that the lie from manufacturers vary). So with that long winded backstory, my question is this...how does hitting one iron in a set of 6-8 irons (depending on the number of irons you're using vs hybrid), justify all of the irons needing the same lie? Is there a chance that they can vary throughout your set (i.e. PW needing to be 1* flat while your 5i would be standard lie)?
  16. What do you do when you're working on rythm and tempo? Any particular drills? I think some of my worst shots come from getting too jerky rather than smooth and flowing. How do you use the alignment sticks to work on swing plane? I've tried putting a ball under my right foot, but my golf shoes are narrow so it basically puts my hole right foot off the ground. I think I need to get some sort of block that's not as tall as a golf ball to try that one out.
  17. Sorry, my dog hit reply. So if you convert the 145 at 70% to it's 100%, it comes out to just over 207 (took me a while to remember how to cross multiply. Been a while). This is why I'm a little confused and wondering how much my swing changes have affected my yardages as I haven't played on a course for a few weeks.
  18. The golf balls at my range actually say "limited distance" on them. I asked the marshall who I know and he said that they are 70% distance balls, but that doesn't make sense to me. If I calculate what I'm hitting at the range vs. what my actual distances are on the course are less than the math if I try to convert my range yardage. For example, I hit my 7i 165 yards on the course, but at the range with the limited flight ball, I'm hitting it 145. If you convert the 145 a
  19. I go to The Lakes of El Segundo, which is a few blocks from my work and on my way home, so it makes it very convenient, but to be honest, I don't remember any of the driving ranges in the area having regular balls. Any suggestions?
  20. Right now I'm trying to keep my weight on my front foot mostly, even on the backswing, because I have noticed that I tend to stay back and not get most of my weight forward when I shift my weight too much. Even still right now, I fell it's gotten better on the backswing, but on my downswing, I feel like I still leave a bit on back foot and end up skying the ball (probably due to flipping the wrists).
  21. The problem with finding an empty field in the Los Angeles area is that there really isn't any. I would have to drive an hour and a half away to find one probably. I'm pretty good on the distances right now, but I'm thinking with some of the changes in my swing, I won't really know how it's affected my yardage until I get out...
  22. I have a couple questions that I have been curious about since the last couple times I have been at the range, so I thought I would bounce it off of you all and see what the answers are. 1. The range I go to have limited distance balls, which obviously means that they aren't traveling as far as a regular ball one would use on the course. For those of you that go to similar ranges, how do you calculate what the distances are on your irons? 2. I am currently working on changing my swing path and reducing my weight shift on my backswing, which has helped me hit the ball more solid, but I'm spraying the ball a little right now. When you're working on a swing change, do you not worry about where the ball ends up until you have the change(s) incorporated first or is the accuracy just as important throughout the change(s) you're working on? Thanks!!!
  23. This was the first time I played this course and will definitely be the last. I'm not sure how much, if any, of my GIRs contributed to this, but the fairways were mostly soft dirt and patches of actual fairways. I have never seen a course in such terrible shape. The greens themselves were kept up fairly well though. My putting has been my achilies heel for quite some time now. I was working on an arc stroke ala Stan Utley and was making some good progress on the practice greens. The problem for me was to translate that onto the course for whatever reason. I wouldn't generally hit the putts on the sweet spot most of the time, so my distance was constantly off. The times I did hit it on the sweet spot, the ball would go flying 10 feet past the hole and at least 3 times a round, I would hit a fat putt. I recently switched my putting stance. My feet are 45 degrees open to my target. This feels a lot better to me and I'm catching the ball on the sweet spot a lot and able to line up my putts better (both eyes at target). Again though, the issue is translating it onto the green. My fat putts have all but gone away, but I still have 2-3 three putts a round with an occassional four putt. I practice on my putting at least 2 hours a week. Maybe I need to put more practice than that. That's what I need to start doing. I think too much about too many things at the range. I need to go with the KISS (keep it simple stupid) mentality. I think I got what you're saying and I should be good with one. I'll be picking a couple sticks up today after work on my way to the range.
  24. I think I've come to the realization that I put way too many thoughts into my swing on the range which turns it into crap. I try to do too much to quickly. I think I need to develop a good solid plan each time I go to the range, which I haven't ever really done before. How much do alignment sticks help on the range? With that, even with alignment sticks, how can I make sure I have a sqaure clubface? They don't seem, at least to me, any help in clubface alignment or for that matter for shoulders being square. Any help on those would be great.
  25. So I went and played a round on Saturday. My swing was back to how it was before. I don't know what it is with the range, but I am awful at the range compared to the course. I actually hit 8 of 13 fairways. I only hit 4 of 18 greens in regulation and had 37 putts. I was hitting my irons solid, but my distance was off. I have no feel of my swing, so can't always tell what my body is doing to try and fix what I did wrong. Anything you guys can suggest to get a better feel on my own swing?
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