Question. Why is it some people need to be shown every technical detail of a golf swing in order to properly push a golf ball downrange, and then there are others who with a simple description, or maybe a visual example, seem to do just fine?
For example:
My daughter wanted me to teach her how to play golf. OK. So I took her to a driving range, and we walked way down to the end, so our talking wouldn't bother anyone. Now my daughter was a pretty good athlete in school, playing soccer, softball, basketball, and volleyball. So I know she has pretty good hand-eye coordination.
Right away, she started asking questions about stance, grip, the swing, etc., etc.. I thought about it for a second or two and decided I wasn't going to fill her head with a bunch of mechanical stuff that I'm not entirely sure I understand. So, I though I'd try something different. I explained how the clubface and swing path control ball flight, and how you want to square the clubface at impact. Then I asked her if she remembered how she swung a baseball bat. She said yes, so I asked her to swing the club like a baseball bat. She started on her back foot and stepped into the bucket and made a very good swing.
Now, I said, the major difference between a bat and golf club is the flat of the club face. You need to get it square to your target line to get a decent impact. So do whatever you have to do to get the face square. And I suggested she not start on her back foot, but rather transfer her weight to the right on the backswing, and then slide forward with the downswing, posting/pushing up on her left leg just before impact to add additional power to the release. I also told her to make impact BEFORE her wrists released fully so the shaft doesn't unload too soon.
She wiffed a couple, got mad, and asked me to hit a few for her. She just stood there and watched, then grabbed a club and withing 20 balls or so, was making pretty darn good contact. Her swing was bottoming out a little too soon, so I suggested that the bottom of her swing should be in front of the ball. She gave me this 'well why didn't you tell me that earlier?' look, and proceeded to start making some really decent contact. I mean really, really good contact. I was impressed!
Some of her shots were going right and left (mostly right) and she asked me how to fix this. Instead of answering, I asked her how she would hit a ball down the first or third baseline, or right at the pitcher? She looked at my kinda funny, then thought about it. She struggled a bit, but pretty soon she was pretty much hitting it in the direction she wanted. Granted she couldn't hit a 5 yard fade, but she could move the ball left to right, or right to left fairly consistently.
So, after 3 range sessions, we're headed to the local par 3 to play 'real golf' (her words). She hits her driver about 160, had one triple, several doubles and one par. Wow.
Now she telling her husband (no athlete, lousy golfer) she wants clubs so she can start playing. And she said, he can babysit while she's playing golf with me. I may have created a monster here, but it's been a long time since I've seen her smile like that.
SO.....(the crux of my post, I guess) how is she doing this? We're both visual types, I'm a feel player, and I am thinking she will be also. But how on earth is she doing so well, so fast?