Growing up in and around NYC i was fortunate enough to play high school golf and i got to play some SICK courses in Weschester. My senior year i played Winged Foot East/West, Metropolis CC, Fenway, Wykgayl, Weschester CC, Quaker Ridge etc.. I think you get the idea.. Aside from those courses here is my list in no particular order:
1. Yale Golf Club- i dare someone to find a course that plays 6150 from the tips thats harder than that..
2. Fairmont Banff Springs (just ridiculous scenery)
3. Bethpage Black ( i played bethpage when i was at my best. I was a 5.6 index at the time, shot 86 and was STOKED
4 The Dunes/Tidewater/Calendonia- Myrtle Beach
5 Greenbrier
6 Otterkill Golf and CC. My old country club in NY.. I love that place