This is an interesting thread. I haven't really looked into the SnT concepts completely, but I must say that I do swing the golf club similarly, and have been for many years. A long time ago, a golf pro at my local range was watching me hit balls, and noticed my pronounced sway. He came up to me, and showed me how to keep more weight on my front side, and I've been doing that ever since.
Looking at some videos of Mike Bennett, his swing seems pretty simple to me. I think many get lost in all the SnT jargon, etc etc, and overthink the movement needed. IMO, It's less stacking and tilting and more swinging in a barrel. To me, Mike seems to just swing in a circle, while keeping his pivot point on his front leg. He doesn't bring his hands or the clubhead too far inside as you may think, and his plane isn't very flat either. Nor does Mike overly tilt his shoulders over his front leg, and he doesn't completely straighten out his back leg either, but he does have a fair amount of hip turn. It just looks like a fairly efficient swing, that promotes a draw. And yes, it's fairly traditional. I like it.