I bought the Adams Speedline FAST10 draw driver with that funky lime green Wasabe Adila stiff shaft. I was rolling my eyes when I demoed it... those hokey physics equations labeled on the bottom of the club almost made me overlook it. I hit it, again and again and had great results. No ballooning like with my PING 9 deg Rapture driver (fakey/aftermarket diamana stiff shaft) and it sounded great, felt great and was more accurate from the get go.
I then took it out on my next round and crushed the ball nicely. Then three rounds in a row after that I could not hit it to save my life. Then I got that hokey Orange Whip trainer and took 2 lessons from my local PGA pro in 10 days, practiced and magically I could hit it again. But could also hit my old PING driver also.
So.......... sigh.... I dunno. I know you might want to hear glowing reports. I am sorta able to buy new stuff when I want to so I think I was just bored when I bought it... and had just enough good results to justify it.
Honestly, I like the driver. It's fine. I don't love it, but that's prob because the honeymoon is over with it now. I hit it today at Blackhorse, Monterey course and was extremely pleased with how I was hitting it. But then again I have had another lesson or two on the way.
Probably the lessons and concerted concentrated studious practice sessions alone... focusing on tempo tempo tempo are more of a key here than the new driver.
But hell, I am just figuring this stuff out as I go along. Good luck!