It's a numbers game.
How many active PGA pros use S&T;? 2-5% if that?
How many active PGA pros use a "traditional" swing? 80-85%?
How many active PGA pros use a "different" swing? 10-15%?
How many pros use Jim Furyks swing? 1
So if there are 120 players in a tournament and 100 use a traditional, 4 use S&T;, 15 use different swings, and 1 Jim Furyk,,,
The numbers outnumber greatly outweigh the rest. If a certain player doesn't win a certain week, is that play not as good as the rest? no.
Now if you took 100 S&T; players, and paired them up with 5 traditional swingers, and 15 different swings? Who would be on top? Would you consider the traditional swing dead just because the S&T; players won 80% of the time in that pairing? No.
If that player is good enough to get to the Big Leagues using S&T; he deserves to be there, same as the rest. It doesn't matter HOW you get the ball in the hole, as long as it involved contact with a club and the basic physics of a golf swing.
It's incredibly ignorant to bag on anothers swing because you A) Don't understand it, B) Have never tried it, or C) jumping on the bandwagon with the others...
Stack and tilt will never be dead as long as people keep using it.