I am a high handicap , been playing for a year or so and am in my addiction phase. I love learning about the game and do some reading and most of my YouTube watches are golf related but unfortunately don’t get much time on the course.
I try to play as much as I can when I’m on vacation and that’s always with rental clubs.
My regular driver is a 11 degree Nike Sq with senior flex shaft. The driver is my least favourite club because my most frequent shot is a high weak block/slice which makes it about 200-220 yards.
About two weeks ago I went to a decent course with my Dad and the only clubs they had were some sort of Srixon CBs and a titleist 917 8 degree Xstiff 65g driver, which should be way above my pay grade , but too my complete surprise it was the best driving performance I’ve ever had. Hit a few beauts . One of my drives flew the green on a 310 yd par 4!! This was completely unexpected . From all those YouTube videos , I know that a titleist 917 isn’t the most forgiving driver ever made , moreover, with what I thought was my swing speed , Xstiff should be completely the wrong choice??
Has anyone gone through this or fitted someone like this as well? I’m really interested in finding out more.